• kyro

    The state saving system and dynamic gui modules are worth a look. I haven't delved in the rest yet.

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  • kyro

    Maybe should you have

    [float 6]

    instead? Anyway, you can execute pd with the -noloadbang option to edit your patch.

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  • kyro

    @oid said:

    Non-linear elements in the feedback path can be fun and do some interesting things but far from a general purpose filter, no clue if pd will play well with that sort of abuse.

    In my humble experience: very well. I've been working on an "acoustic feedback" patch for a while now. With allpass/diffusion, peak filter and basic distortion in the loop, it was quite lively and convincing.

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  • kyro

    Thank you, it did work here too!

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  • kyro


    Has anybody managed to get pd spectral toolkit working?
    I'm especially interested in the GEM waterfall spectrum but alas, i get

    pd-externals/SpectralToolkit/pd_spectral_toolkit.l_ia64: undefined symbol: _ZGVbN2v_exp
    pd_spectral_toolkit: can't load library

    on startup. make linux didn't complain about anything.

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  • kyro

    I love this feedback oscillator! I don't know how relevant it is, but it reminded me of https://ccrma.stanford.edu/software/snd/snd/fm.html [cascade FM: sin(sin(sin))]:

    As z increases above 1.27, we get a square wave, then period doubling, and finally (ca. 1.97) chaos.

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  • kyro

    @chaosprint said:

    For example, I would like to trigger a sound playback multiple times
    it layers the playback at that particular rate

    You mean, like a polyphonic sampler? If so I'd load the sample in a table and have an instance of tabread~/tabread4~ for each "layer".

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  • kyro

    @jameslo said:

    If you follow the algorithm in http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~godfried/publications/banff.pdf, E(5,13) = 1001010010100, But if you use the much simpler one from @Stutter you get 1001001010010.

    If you flip stutter's result three digits to the left you get banff's. It's a matter of a [- 3] somewhere.

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  • kyro

    If I had to buy something today I'd go for Intech EN16. Fighting my impulse buy a while back, I dug out my old dusty bcr2000, found out it had a software editor and could be set in absolute mode. And I don't need anything more.

    With encoders set to absolute, no need for two-way communication, no more jumps in values, everything stays in the patch. I have a set of WIP abstractions that steal the focus of the shared unique controller, map and scale CC increments/decrements to the relevant patch parameters and deals with store/restore presets.

    I just wish there were something to faders like what encoders are to knobs.

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  • kyro

    http://www.pd-tutorial.com/english/ch03s08.html was a great help for me back in time.

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