• kristas

    @whale-av when I saw that sequencer I thought u were a complete genious hehehe. Thanks for helping <3

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  • kristas

    I'm a student and I'm doing a potato project where potatoes behave as keyboards and you have sequencers which give u pre-made beats so u can make sum bangers.

    The way I've made the sequencer is the simple one from Sound Simulator's tutorial.

    Enough about me, I have a couple of questions:

    • How can I see the exact number of BPM, not just guess it or visually see it? Like, how can I transform the pd number into a readable BPM counter.

    • How can I make the selection of the beats happen? I was thinking of messing around with something like the sends, maybe? I'm not sure. I need a number/message that says to the sequencer how it should be played but in such way that if I change the number/message during the previous one, it doesn't stop playing (omg i'm so sorry for making you read this).

    • Last question, I swear. I'm assuming that if I want to add some VST's in here I should put them before the DAC~. Is that the right approach? I want to use reverb, delay and some VST's that randomize things? The name in ableton is Slap Back.

    Sorry for making u read all of this and thanks <3

    posted in technical issues read more

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