• jjwitte

    Hey guys,

    A quick search on the forums did not reveal a straightforward answer for how to deal with my bootup problem. I'm a big noob, with no programming experience, and I'm trying to get Purr Data to bootup on my busted old Linux Mint laptop. I'm using pd 2.8.1, and Mint 18. I have JACK on my computer, but I'm pretty sure everything is running through ALSA. Anyway, first bootup of PD looked like this:

    Welcome to Purr Data
    warning: your system's font stack is not optimal
    Pd has started the GUI
    canvasinfo: v0.1
    stable canvasinfo methods: args dir dirty editmode vis
    pdinfo: v.0.1
    stable pdinfo methods: dir dsp version
    classinfo: v.0.1
    stable classinfo methods: size
    objectinfo: v.0.1
    stable objectinfo methods: class
    [import] $Revision: 1.2 $
    [import] is still in development, the interface could change!
    compiled against Pd-l2ork version 2.8.1 (20190207-rev.e216f5a)
    PD_FLOATSIZE = 32 bits
    sys_nmidiin 1, nmidiindev 0
    working directory is /home/jjwitte
    Opened Alsa Client 128 in:1 out:1
    libdir loader 1.10
    compiled on Feb 7 2019 at 19:29:50
    compiled against Pd version 0.48.0.
    GEM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia
    verbose( -1):GEM: ver: 0.93.git 438dab3
    verbose( -1):GEM: compiled: Feb 7 2019
    verbose( -1):GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
    verbose( -1):GEM: Authors : Mark Danks (original version)
    verbose( -1):GEM: Chris Clepper
    verbose( -1):GEM: Cyrille Henry
    verbose( -1):GEM: IOhannes m zmoelnig
    verbose( -1):GEM: with help by Guenter Geiger, Daniel Heckenberg, James Tittle, Hans-Christoph Steiner, et al.
    verbose( -1):GEM: found a bug? miss a feature? please report it:
    verbose( -1):GEM: homepage http://gem.iem.at/
    verbose( -1):GEM: bug-tracker http://sourceforge.net/projects/pd-gem/
    verbose( -1):GEM: mailing-list http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/gem-dev/
    verbose( -1):GEM: compiled for MMX/SSE2 architecture
    verbose( -1):GEM: using SSE2 optimization
    verbose( -1):GEM: detected 4 CPUs
    GEM: image loading support: magick SGI jpeg tiff
    GEM: image saving support: jpeg magick tiff
    libdir_loader: added 'cyclone' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'zexy' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'creb' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'cxc' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'iemlib' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'mapping' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'markex' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'maxlib' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'memento' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'mjlib' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'motex' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'oscx' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'pddp' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'pdogg' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'pixeltango' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'rradical' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'sigpack' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'smlib' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'unauthorized' to the global objectclass path
    vbap - v1.1 - 14 Aug. 2014 - (c) Ville Pulkki 1999-2006 (Pd port by HCS)
    libdir_loader: added 'pan' to the global objectclass path
    freeverb~ v1.2
    libdir_loader: added 'hcs' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'jmmmp' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'ext13' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'ggee' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'ekext' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'disis' to the global objectclass path
    libdir_loader: added 'lyonpotpourri' to the global objectclass path
    pdlua 0.9 (GPL) 2014-2018 Martin Peach et al., based on
    lua 0.6~svn (GPL) 2008 Claude Heiland-Allen claude@mathr.co.uk
    pdlua: compiled for pd-0.48 on Feb 7 2019 19:31:25
    Using lua version 5.3
    pdlua: using JavaScript interface (Pd-l2ork nw.js version)
    [14] error: audio I/O dropout

    So, I get the impression that these audio I/O dropout issues happen quite a bit. But does anyone have any ideas for what I can try next? Also, I apologize if this is the wrong forum this question. If someone could just point me in the right direction, that would be awesome.

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!