Hey guys,
A quick search on the forums did not reveal a straightforward answer for how to deal with my bootup problem. I'm a big noob, with no programming experience, and I'm trying to get Purr Data to bootup on my busted old Linux Mint laptop. I'm using pd 2.8.1, and Mint 18. I have JACK on my computer, but I'm pretty sure everything is running through ALSA. Anyway, first bootup of PD looked like this:
Welcome to Purr Data
warning: your system's font stack is not optimal
Pd has started the GUI
canvasinfo: v0.1
stable canvasinfo methods: args dir dirty editmode vis
pdinfo: v.0.1
stable pdinfo methods: dir dsp version
classinfo: v.0.1
stable classinfo methods: size
objectinfo: v.0.1
stable objectinfo methods: class
[import] $Revision: 1.2 $
[import] is still in development, the interface could change!
compiled against Pd-l2ork version 2.8.1 (20190207-rev.e216f5a)
PD_FLOATSIZE = 32 bits
sys_nmidiin 1, nmidiindev 0
working directory is /home/jjwitte
Opened Alsa Client 128 in:1 out:1
libdir loader 1.10
compiled on Feb 7 2019 at 19:29:50
compiled against Pd version 0.48.0.
GEM: Graphics Environment for Multimedia
verbose( -1):GEM: ver: 0.93.git 438dab3
verbose( -1):GEM: compiled: Feb 7 2019
verbose( -1):GEM: maintained by IOhannes m zmoelnig
verbose( -1):GEM: Authors : Mark Danks (original version)
verbose( -1):GEM: Chris Clepper
verbose( -1):GEM: Cyrille Henry
verbose( -1):GEM: IOhannes m zmoelnig
verbose( -1):GEM: with help by Guenter Geiger, Daniel Heckenberg, James Tittle, Hans-Christoph Steiner, et al.
verbose( -1):GEM: found a bug? miss a feature? please report it:
verbose( -1):GEM: homepage http://gem.iem.at/
verbose( -1):GEM: bug-tracker http://sourceforge.net/projects/pd-gem/
verbose( -1):GEM: mailing-list http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/gem-dev/
verbose( -1):GEM: compiled for MMX/SSE2 architecture
verbose( -1):GEM: using SSE2 optimization
verbose( -1):GEM: detected 4 CPUs
GEM: image loading support: magick SGI jpeg tiff
GEM: image saving support: jpeg magick tiff
libdir_loader: added 'cyclone' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'zexy' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'creb' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'cxc' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'iemlib' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'mapping' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'markex' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'maxlib' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'memento' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'mjlib' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'motex' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'oscx' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'pddp' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'pdogg' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'pixeltango' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'rradical' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'sigpack' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'smlib' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'unauthorized' to the global objectclass path
vbap - v1.1 - 14 Aug. 2014 - (c) Ville Pulkki 1999-2006 (Pd port by HCS)
libdir_loader: added 'pan' to the global objectclass path
freeverb~ v1.2
libdir_loader: added 'hcs' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'jmmmp' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'ext13' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'ggee' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'ekext' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'disis' to the global objectclass path
libdir_loader: added 'lyonpotpourri' to the global objectclass path
pdlua 0.9 (GPL) 2014-2018 Martin Peach et al., based on
lua 0.6~svn (GPL) 2008 Claude Heiland-Allen claude@mathr.co.uk
pdlua: compiled for pd-0.48 on Feb 7 2019 19:31:25
Using lua version 5.3
pdlua: using JavaScript interface (Pd-l2ork nw.js version)
[14] error: audio I/O dropoutSo, I get the impression that these audio I/O dropout issues happen quite a bit. But does anyone have any ideas for what I can try next? Also, I apologize if this is the wrong forum this question. If someone could just point me in the right direction, that would be awesome.