• jenkutler

    Hi. I'm trying to find an object or a method of operating to be able to essentially do what togedge does but with signals. Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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  • jenkutler

    Not sure if its 64 bit but I think Mark updated it https://github.com/megrimm/pd-percolate

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  • jenkutler

    Hi there,
    I'm running Pd 0.47 on RPI 3 with Rasbpian stretch. Trying to get a patch to load on boot-- I have the script opening the patch in /etc/rc.local and I can call it up no problem when I open the script from the terminal but for some reason when rc.local launches the script on reboot, I get errors saying that readanysf~ doesn't recognize the header for the stream mp3s that it is trying to load. If I boot the Pi up normally and then open the Pd patch, it has no problem. Any idea what I can try to get it to automatically launch correctly on reboot? Thanks.

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  • jenkutler

    That makes sense. Thank you!

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  • jenkutler

    Hi all,

    I'm wondering if I have found a bug or if I'm just not understanding the help file for mp3amp~ for playing a stream on an Icecast2 server. Right now I'm sending an argument as a message [connect audio.wavefarm.org weatherwarlock.mp3 8000<

    What ends up happening is that if DSP is turned off, it will connect fine but the second that I turn DSP on, Puredata crashes. I've tried it with Pd 0.5.0 on OSX El Capitan 11.6 and PurrData on the same machine. I know that sometimes libraries aren't really kept up for OSX so I tried to run the same patch on Raspbian Linux raspberrypi 4.14.50-v7+ #1122 and I have the exact same problem. Have I discovered a bug? Thanks.

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  • jenkutler

    Hey David.
    Thanks so much for your response. After a crazy amount of hours I have worked out a way to get it all to work together. I tried every which way of creating flags to get those libraries to load and ultimately I gave up. I ended up installing Purr-data pd-l2ork which seems to be generally more stable than vanilla and happens to load all of my libraries automatically on start regardless of whether they're needed or not. The issue I ran into then was that on RPi, you need jackd to route MIDI. Unfortunately, jackd2 doesn't run on raspberry pi. I fought with it for a while, tried some tricks from forum posts that say to use jack 1.0.8 but I still couldn't get it to work. I use alsa aconnect on some other projects running on pi and I thought I would give it a try. Though the device port numbers change every time you boot up depending on what peripherals you're using, I found that you can also aconnect using the device name. The trick then became trying to find a way to run not one script on startup but two scripts. After fighting with /etc/rc.local and crontab for some hours, I found that even when I got both things to run, I ran into all kinds of alsa errors, mainly the one where PCM cannot open, blah blah blah. So I've been sitting in front of Pd for so long that I'm starting to have dreams about Pd and half awake, I wondered if a) its possible to specify preference settings with objects and b ) if its possible to run a shell script from an object in PD. Then I only have to run the one script on start. I found an object {shell] that allowed me to run my aconnect stuff in the shell after loading my patch. Then I saw a brilliant post that explained how to change preferences using [r pd] and [print] . If you make changes to your preferences, the pd window spits out some numbers that specify the setting you just saved. Then you can copy and paste those values into a ;pd message and change your preference with a loadbang. I had to stagger the different messages with various [delay] objects but the thing works.

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  • jenkutler

    Hey David,

    Thanks so much for your reply! I tried modifying the script as you suggested and a few variations on it with no luck although a slightly different outcome. Now the error I get for the cyclone objects is "maximum object loading depth 1000 reached" which I read in another post is related to pd being unable to find the setup() function mapped to the classname. Any thoughts on that?


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  • jenkutler

    Hey I'm having an issue where if I load the Gui and open my patch from the desktop of my RPi, everything loads just fine but when I try to open my patch from a script without the GUI, it loads but without the libraries. The console shows .x14c0550: no such object. I am trying to load freeverb~, and a few cyclone objects, specifically cyclone/split, cyclone/mean and cyclone/reson~. Any clues would be great. Thanks!

    script is this:

    pd -nogui /home/pi/Desktop/theOther/theOtherV5.pd &

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!