• GeorgeWRT

    I was just wondering if someone could explain guard points to me please. Specifically, the guard points that tabosc4 requires its table to have. The documentation is a bit confusing:

    Lets say i've got my 2^n sized table here holding these values:

    [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8]

    According to audio.examples/B01.wavetables.pd,

    "...tabosc4~ requires that the table have a power of two plus three points (64+3=67, 128+3=131, 256+3=259, etc.) If you want wraparound to work smoothly, you should make the last three points copies of the first three. "

    so, in order for wraparound to work "smoothly" my table should look like this?

    [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3]

    tabosc4~help.pd says something different:

    "The table should have a power of two points plus three "guard points", one at the beginning and two at the end, which should be wraparound copies of the last point and the first two points, respectively."

    so should my table should look like this?

    [8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2]

    I'm so confused! I know that tables must be of size (2^n)+3 thats fine, i just don't understand what these guard points are all about. Can someone help me?

    Thank you :)

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