• gema

    ...sorry link don't work...

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  • gema

    There's an object that visualize the dump output of coll object ?

    something like this, without use the open command of dump:

    | \

    [magic object]

    ...so i can visualize this in the patch:

    -magic object-
    0, 38 60 300;
    1, 46 60 800;
    2, 0 0 0;

    like a scroll or a text file


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  • gema

    I try to use the tof/param objects for save and reload and work well, but i can't find a way, if it possible, to save different file in others directory than the / of the patch and with a custom name.

    Anyone know if it is possible ?


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  • gema


    Is possible to change the creation argument of an object from a patch ?

    [send object] ---(something like this to change the "name" arguments ?)

    [object name] ---object (i want to change "name" from the patch)

    I want to use with tof/param things by save many data in one file and then recall.

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  • gema


    Is possible to dump the "coll" content from a index number to another, not from the start to finish ?

    if have coll with my stored index + value...that go from 0 to 128 i can like: from 64 to 128 ?

    I try puting a float and a counter that do 64 - 128 and works but i want that this range could be variable, 64-128 or 0 - 64 or 0 - 16 etc.


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  • gema

    I would like to use the novation launchpad or also others controller or keyboard doesn't matter, for controll my sequencer or other patch.

    I have all midi IO for the launchpad, this is not a problem.

    I need a way to make multiple pages of my launchpad with storage, so i can change page with a button and refresh the view with the stored value. for example from pattern page i select the pattern to edit then switch page to the step edit view etc...etc...

    Where i have to start ? i need only some object to look at.


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  • gema


    I wonder if it's possibile to have a patch where i could record midifile (like midifile, qlist, xeq) with position ?

    Like to: select sequence position, record midi in this position and play back the sequence ? for modifing only a single time/note in a midifile, or make a sort of sequencer.

    I see only patches that record a midi file from start to finish, or i understand this, in midifile is like to, start recording, finish an then playback....in xeq maybe, but i try to find info an is not complete i think.


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  • gema


    Can i do something like this whit "coll" object ?

    |coll $0-num |

    I want that one coll object write things an another in the same patch play them.


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  • gema

    Hi to all,

    I have this problem:

    I'm making a patch for the novation launchpad (a grid controller) that use midi note and have output note and input for light on.

    I want to use with the seq24 sequencer for mute pattern, i try a first method for save state of the buttons....and woks but:

    When i made a reset of the controller or when load some value or when puredata load the patch i have to click on the controller 3 times per button to light it on and then work, since another reset, data load....

    There's a way to avoid this ? maybe i wrong to write patch...or make some startups....


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  • gema


    Just a little question:

    Is possible to run Pure Data patches on a ncurses interface or textmode, for example using an old pc without X (on linux) ?

    I would like to make a short of pd patch cpu without graphics, i'm curious to know if it's possible.


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  • gema

    Anyone know where to find a polyphonic sampler patch ?
    I try with the example in pd but my knows are very low...and i'm not able to use it.


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  • gema


    I would ask if it's possible to run a PD patch without X (on linux), with an ncurses gui.

    For use it on very old computers, the idea is to use an old pc like hardware sampler or synth.


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  • gema

    Hi to all,

    I have a patch that convert launchpad midi note to midi CC to an Yamaha RM1X all connected with jack, so i have:

    Jack connection :
    Launchpad Out ------> Pure Data Midi-in 1 (for the PD patch)
    Pure Data midi-Out 1 ----> midisport (for the yamaha)

    if i want to use the led of launchpad for visual feedback:

    Pure Data midi-Out 2 ----> Launchpad IN

    The problem is that the launchpad get and send midi to ch 1, if i send to the lauchpad i send also to the Yamaha, how i can separate this two things ? what object i have to use, if is possible ?


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  • gema


    I would try to use midi file inside puredata, i try to read it with [seq] and [midifile] and work well.

    There's a way to visualize the midi file pattern with note, velocity and step...
    ....is possibile to edit the midifile inside pure data ?

    I think maybe using an array and translete it on gui object...

    I would like to made a little midi file editor/sequencer, if it's possibile.


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  • gema


    I have some question, and maybe someone have jaust posted this, sorry, but i need only some ideas.

    1- Is possibile (in linux) connect more mouse and use it like midi knobs, and exlude this mouses from the desktop system ? mouses are very cheap and have rotary encoders and buttons, if i can put two or more mouse and use only for PD....its a way for build a cheap midi knob box.

    2- Someone can explain me another things: i have an arduino, but, i'm very noob...i want to use with PD and i read somethings on pduino...i'm confused, using pduino wath i have ? i want to try but before i need to know wath i can do with an arduino/pduino..


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  • gema

    Hi to everyone, i found an application + library to get working the launchpad on linux and works.

    I take the sources from here, downloadin the .tar.gz

    Then compile like this:

    $ make clean
    $ make lpmidi

    you'll find (if it's all ok) the compiled application and run it with:

    $ sudo ./lpmidi

    I had to install libusb-1.0-0, libusb-1.0-0-dev and libasound

    I tested with jack and zynsubaddfx and with a patch a 64step sequencer with leds on and it's fine....now i can work on this :-)

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  • gema


    This is a mix from the patches that i find somewere....

    If someone need explain...let me know here.

    What is ? an .....bha.....see it and comment.

    ....Thanks to all PD developers useres and so on... :-)


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  • gema

    Hi to every...

    This is a sort of Ovation to all the PD comunity useres and developers....

    ....i am totally noob with this things but...i made somethings taking some patches made from yours and let it work in my mood....(this is the ovation)

    This is an work in progress 64 step sequencer....i want to use with Novation Launchpad, in future......if someone need more explain...let me know (ididn't put any readme or similar...)

    ...you have to use an external midi-daw or midi-sampler or what else midi-based to heard sounds....

    Thanks to all

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  • gema

    hi to everyone,

    I try to explain

    Is possibile in PD to put and output port for Jack ? i've seen this on Galan software...i would like to put many jack out port in a patch and then connect them with for example, jack-rack or livemixer....so use this patch with other software, i need 8 or more jack-out and maybe 4 send- returns...

    There's any way to do this ?


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  • gema


    If i have a patch with a sample editor and 8 sample player, i want to use the editor patch for one of the sample player, i mean: select a sample, edit, store, then select another sample, and so on...

    One editor that works whit one sample at time...

    What way i have to follow ? how can i select one sample and send the edits out to this sample and not to the others ?


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