• gabbro


    after two years of lurkin'n'coding I wrote XmiX, a full OSC oriented 8 tracks environment with client/server architecture over TCP/IP:


    hope you like it,

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  • gabbro


    after two years of lurkin'n'coding I wrote XmiX, a full OSC oriented 8 tracks environment with client/server architecture over TCP/IP:


    hope you like it,

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  • gabbro


    new revision, checked on OSX and Windows:




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  • gabbro

    ok, I don't know OSX :)

    hope someone will write an XmiX's start script for it one day... :)

    ... you can try launching two pd and loading the "XmiX_gui.pd" patch in one and the "XmiX_engine.pd" in the other....

    bye :)


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  • gabbro


    unforunately I never tried on an apple machine and I don't have one to test it.

    But maybe I figured the problem with OSX is another... maybe... :)

    I suppose the "retrying connect..." error it's not an error gived by the patch but it's the error pure data gives when can't connect the gui process (pd-gui 5400) and the "pd" process.
    So my idea is that the two pd processes start too fast in OSX and something strange happen with the two "pd-gui" processes.

    If this is true you probably have to launch the client and the server separately:

    ./XmiX.sh -e localhost

    ... wait... and when started:

    ./XmiX.sh -g localhost

    ... hope it works :)



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  • gabbro


    compiling mrpeach's OSC objects in 'vanilla' step-to-step guide:

    1 - go to Martin Peach's page: http://puredata.info/Members/martinrp

    2 - download: packOSC.c, unpackOSC.c, routeOSC.c

    3 - compile:
    ------> gcc -I/usr/include -o packOSC.pd_linux packOSC.c
    ------> gcc -I/usr/include -o unpackOSC.pd_linux unpackOSC.c
    ------> gcc -I/usr/include -o routeOSC.pd_linux routeOSC.c

    4 - copy:
    ------> mkdir /usr/lib/pd/extra/mrpeach
    ------> cp *.pd_linux /usr/lib/pd/extra/mrpeach

    "/usr/include" = it's the path where the "m_pd.h" file resides. Change it if your header is elsewhere.
    "/usr/lib/pd/extra" = it's the directory where pd looks for externals. Change it if you have it elsewhere.

    This works on all my linux boxes... I never tried it on OSX but should be nearly the same.

    please tell me If it works so I will add this guide to the README.

    thanks :)

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  • gabbro


    from the README:

    "XmiX is written in Pure Data ‘vanilla’ 0.42.6 with the Martin Peach’s OSC objects compiled as an external. You can obviously run it also on Pd-extended."

    so.. if you are using "Pd 'vanilla'" you got to compile the mrpeach's OSC objects separately,
    if you're using "pd-extended" the OSC objects should be in "..../extra/mrpeach/..." as in the last pd-extended version, so in pd-extended it should work without change anything (and it should work also opening the "x_OSC_server.pd" patch).

    NOTE: XmiX uses the TCP ports 3000 and 3001... so this ports should be free on your system (no other deamons should bind it).

    however I never got the error you posted... pleasae let me know if it works...

    thanks :)

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  • gabbro


    a new revision... check it out if you pleased:


    changelog: put paths declaration out of the startup shell script and added them in the patches with [declare]. Now all should be started even without the script (via pd->open).


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Internal error.

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