after two years of lurkin'n'coding I wrote XmiX, a full OSC oriented 8 tracks environment with client/server architecture over TCP/IP:
hope you like it,
XmiX announce
after two years of lurkin'n'coding I wrote XmiX, a full OSC oriented 8 tracks environment with client/server architecture over TCP/IP:
hope you like it,
from the README:
"XmiX is written in Pure Data ‘vanilla’ 0.42.6 with the Martin Peach’s OSC objects compiled as an external. You can obviously run it also on Pd-extended."
so.. if you are using "Pd 'vanilla'" you got to compile the mrpeach's OSC objects separately,
if you're using "pd-extended" the OSC objects should be in "..../extra/mrpeach/..." as in the last pd-extended version, so in pd-extended it should work without change anything (and it should work also opening the "x_OSC_server.pd" patch).
NOTE: XmiX uses the TCP ports 3000 and 3001... so this ports should be free on your system (no other deamons should bind it).
however I never got the error you posted... pleasae let me know if it works...
I did read the README, but felt it could possibly be a bit clearer.
I'm using Pd Vanilla on OS X.
Is there a way of compiling mrpeach's OSC without downloading extended?
I've downloaded the source from here:
I tried running the Makefile but I get the following error:
joe:mrpeach $ make
make -C /Users/joe/Downloads/mrpeach mrpeach
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `mrpeach'. Stop.
make: *** [default] Error 2
I'm not really sure where I'm going wrong.
compiling mrpeach's OSC objects in 'vanilla' step-to-step guide:
1 - go to Martin Peach's page: http://puredata.info/Members/martinrp
2 - download: packOSC.c, unpackOSC.c, routeOSC.c
3 - compile:
------> gcc -I/usr/include -o packOSC.pd_linux packOSC.c
------> gcc -I/usr/include -o unpackOSC.pd_linux unpackOSC.c
------> gcc -I/usr/include -o routeOSC.pd_linux routeOSC.c
4 - copy:
------> mkdir /usr/lib/pd/extra/mrpeach
------> cp *.pd_linux /usr/lib/pd/extra/mrpeach
"/usr/include" = it's the path where the "m_pd.h" file resides. Change it if your header is elsewhere.
"/usr/lib/pd/extra" = it's the directory where pd looks for externals. Change it if you have it elsewhere.
This works on all my linux boxes... I never tried it on OSX but should be nearly the same.
please tell me If it works so I will add this guide to the README.
Yeah I think it works a bit differently on OS X.
For me Pd Vanilla does not include 'm_pd.h' in '/usr/include/'. I found it in /src in the application folder.
Additionally I don't think Vanilla makes a default directory for custom externals (I could be wrong). Pd extended makes a directory in '~/Library/Pd' so I also created a folder there.
When I tried to compile the objects I got the following errors:
joe:osc $ gcc -I/Applications/Pd-0.42-5.app/Contents/Resources/src -o packOSC.pd_darwin packOSC.c
Undefined symbols:
"_main", referenced from:
start in crt1.10.6.o
"_post", referenced from:
_packOSC_closebundle in ccQgmwZz.o
_packOSC_settypetags in ccQgmwZz.o
..... etc...
I don't know if this is a problem referencing the header file?
Ok, so I managed to compile mrpeach's OSC objects in Xcode (I can upload the project if needed).
Then I copied them into '/XmiX-rev176/x_ABS/mrpeach'
However, I still get the same error:
joe:XmiX-rev176 $ ./XmiX.sh
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
connecting stream socket: Invalid argument (22)
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
retrying connect...
connecting stream socket: Invalid argument (22)
I checked the ports and there doesn't seem to be anything on TCP 3000 or 3001. Do you know a terminal command to check this? I'm just running $ netstat | grep 3000
Thanks for the help,
unforunately I never tried on an apple machine and I don't have one to test it.
But maybe I figured the problem with OSX is another... maybe...
I suppose the "retrying connect..." error it's not an error gived by the patch but it's the error pure data gives when can't connect the gui process (pd-gui 5400) and the "pd" process.
So my idea is that the two pd processes start too fast in OSX and something strange happen with the two "pd-gui" processes.
If this is true you probably have to launch the client and the server separately:
./XmiX.sh -e localhost
... wait... and when started:
./XmiX.sh -g localhost
... hope it works
I still get the same error with both commands
Is it possible to get XmiX to run without using the Makefile. Load up the pd patches independently?
Hmmm maybe this is related?
Start up flags don't work from command line in OSX?
ok, I don't know OSX
hope someone will write an XmiX's start script for it one day...
... you can try launching two pd and loading the "XmiX_gui.pd" patch in one and the "XmiX_engine.pd" in the other....
new revision, checked on OSX and Windows:
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!