• frankchannel

    I'd like to plot a large number of circles on the screen (say 10000 or more) at a set of (x,y) locations defined on a grid. I'm wondering what would be the best way of approaching this problem in Pd? I could prefix my (x,y) pairs with a counter and then create a [route] object with 10000 outlets, each connected to a [translateXYZ] and [circle] object. However, this type of approach does not seem very practical/scalable (and I don't want to connect 10000 outlets by hand). I could accomplish this fairly easily in Processing (with a few lines of code), but I'm not sure the best way of doing this in Pd/GEM/gridflow.

    Any help would be much appreciated!


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  • frankchannel

    Not sure if this will help, but have a look at [pix_crop]

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  • frankchannel

    Thanks for all the help. I just wanted to say I got the example I was trying to recreate working (i.e., drawing a grid of circles to the screen and adjusting the radius and color of each one based on a video feed). The critical objects I needed were [repeat] and [separator].

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  • frankchannel

    Thanks for the suggestion. Examples on recursion would most certainly be helpful. In fact, I referred to the help files before posting, however the Gem/examples/13.recursion examples are missing in my build of Pd-extended (I'm running 0.42.5 on os x). I'll try and track down those examples elsewhere and see if they help me out.

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  • frankchannel

    Thanks for the suggestion. However, coming up with the coordinates is not my problem (I have a counter followed by a [mod] object that produces a list of (x,y) coordinates just fine). My problem is this: how do I draw 10000 separate circles, without using 10000 separate [circle] objects?

    Right now I have a patch working that draws a single circle, and that circle will move to a new grid point each time I bang the counter. I guess what I want is a simple way to stop the background from updating, so that I get the appearance of many circles by drawing one circle at several locations.

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