• framboise

    I have a very simple question.

    I am attempting to write data into a

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    I'm using an expression object here to attempt a very simple task, to multiply a variable by a fractional ratio. In the process, I have run into this trouble:

    I create a number object and feed it into [expr $f1*(25/24)], but I only receive my variable back to me as output (as if it was merely being multiplied by 1, rather than by the fraction). So I do some testing, and find what does and does not seem to work:

    My question is: Why?

    Why is it that { 25 -> [expr $f1/24] => 1.041 } works but [expr 25/24] does not and returns 1. It seems like the expression object is rounding to the nearest integer, but that does not make sense.

    1 -> [expr (25*$f1)/24] => 1.041 Works.
    1 -> [expr (25/24)*$f1] => 1 does Not.

    I know it's a dull question, so I appreciate you in helping me to understand. I want to understand, so that I can avoid the frustration later.


    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    This is not about GEM, so it may be in the wrong section.

    okay, so I don't really have any issues with audio. Everything sounds great, low latency. The issue that I am having is that the canvas screen is lagging behind as I try to manipulate objects about and do my thang.

    Now, I figure this has something more to do with the way that I have my OS set up to hang out with pd-extended. I doubt it's the software.

    What puzzles me is (and I'm reaching out my love tendrils for some linux users, here) I just built this compo rig, and it is blazing fast. My OS runs lightening fast. It can multitask like a wizard. Do 3D junk. Dope Sound Card. Lightening Dope. Solid State. 8GB Dual-channel. AMD quad-Core w/ Radeon built-in graphics. I love it. ASUS Xonar Sound. I've built up a nice and easy Arch Linux system, with KDE-base Desktop Enviro.

    It's all so solid. Except for PD.

    I cannot find the right combonation of symbols and smileys to emote how frustrating this is . . well, its not. 'til just now, while I was trying to locate the right smiley--then, it got frustrating. But seriously, I would like to improve the speed of my PD instance.

    What could be the deal?

    I am using JACK Audio Connection Kit to orchestrate all my sound software and hardware, and it works quite well--as I said, it all sounds great!

    It is initiated through ~/.xinitrc in Real-Time mode:

    jackd -R -dalsa -dhw:0 -p256 &

    It could be that I'm not using this -p modifier to my advantage.

    Gosh, maybe I need to set the priority via the launcher with which I start pd-extended. Hmmm . . I attempt to chage the Priority setting through the System Monitor, but it does not seem to make any improvements. I am somewhat, stumped.

    And, I want my PD experience to be more smooth, and fluid. Faster!

    THANKS & [gratitude~]

    posted in pixel# 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Hello All You, out there in PD World.

    This being my #1 Post, I want to say: Thanks for having me! Here, amidst the Pure Data community. I love open source software, and the principal of sharing knowledge generally.

    I only recently discovered PD--last week! I am currently on vacation from obligation, and so I am taking my time to do some intellectual callibration, and I sure do appreciate all the help, guys. already! Specifically, Maelstorm & katjav have been super helpful and enlightening. katjav: I freaking love your website (I do not understand your website, yet). But I believe vortex-based mathematics is the key to free energy and harmonics (Though, I must say: I do not know why, exactly). And DSP is so very fascinating. But I have only the most rudimentary understanding of PD, thus far. Thanks to cheetomoskeeto and his youtube page, for the very helpful video tutorials.

    As my first patch, merely an adolescent, I would like to share my Pythagorean tuning wheel.

    Pythagoras' tuning system, generated by whole-number ratios of perfect fifths and octaves, is more ancient than our current international standard of tuning, the "equal temperament" of our pianos and MIDI keyboards. And if we examine the pitches and their relationships mathematically, we find that the ancient Pythagorean system is more elegant and beautiful (e.g., the standard tuning of Middle 'C' is 261.625565 hertz, Vs. the Pythagorean 'C' @ 256 | or, standard 'D' @ 293.67, Vs. Py's 'D' @ 288. This follows, because the Py scale is *generated by pure ratios: 3/2 (the Perfect Fifth) & 2/1 (the Octave, but of course). In contradistinction, my fellows, our MIDI standard is *Tempered--the ratios are not pure. This is not merely the unfolding of some conspiratory plot. It is for very good reason, I'm sure (I just . . not sure what the reason, here is. . what IS the hold up? Why the glitch? What is this infamous comma anywho?). It is a story, unfolding.

    A digital signal is a stream of numbers. Pythagoras was the father of numerology. Give this a try if you want.

    Feedback is greatly appreciated.


    posted in patch~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    I'm pretty much following you, but I need to do the math on paper. Or, w/ a brain. I will try again tom, I'm burned.


    posted in patch~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    I've been kind of an insomniac the past few days, and I am not in the proper state of mind to give your response full attention at this moment. But I will.

    I just wanted to post a pair of patches that I am working on. The core of my 'just intonation' generator patch is all up and running--I might add some file option functionality. You input a midi key # and the frequency you desire it to be, and it uses the key as a fundamental to generate all notes based on the ratios (that I have found) of Just Intonation, storing them into a text file, which can be opened 'Tuned Synth.pd'

    I will make it easier to switch between tunings with the synth controller open, using lists or perhaps a knob. But that is for another day . . tomorrow

    . .
    I am going to research scales and chords . . and music theory in general in the next few weeks.


    posted in patch~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Awesome, I did not know of the [shell] object. I'm sure that will be very useful at some point.

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Here's another instance of tuning functionality that am interested in creating in pd, much like the FlexTune system mentioned above: Unleash the beauty of pure harmony!

    I'm definitely not interested in releasing any pay-to-play windows software. ;)

    posted in patch~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Tell me what you think of Dan Winter's toolbox for biometric measurement of 'internal auto-Coherence':

    posted in I/O hardware diyread more
  • framboise

    For this next patch, I saved the note frequencies to a file that is transfered to an array when the patch loads. The array is queried as midi notes are received into pd, this in turn is handled, as according to Maelstorm's "Polyphonic voice management" tutorial, by the poly function to allow for multiple voices.

    So basically, its a polyphonic synth controlled by midi input, tuned according to the text file. It's another method to experiment with alternate midi tunings.


    posted in patch~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    I decided to save my content in a text file and to load it into the array when the patch loads. That was easy.

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Oh by the way, I'm having the same problem as cuinjune. I'm running pd-extended on linux. Do we need some kind of a plugin?

    posted in output~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Amazing! Thank you so much for your shared passion--I love the unfolding reciprocity of the open source community. This is exactly what I needed to find, and I very much appreciate the good work. I will definitely be learning a lot from this.

    posted in abstract~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Well done! This visualizer looks awesome! It's actually really getting me into the music, and I'm not one for pop music. It becomes more gripping with visualization.


    posted in output~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    TLP7, I am on the same mission. I was not able to easily compile the Scala source for linux, so I installed the windows version in a virtual box. I very much like the idea, but the interface is so cluttered and not really working for me. And, I've been spending all my time learning PD, so I haven't really delt with it yet. I want to learn how to load a tuning table directly into my software synthesizer, as well as how to write a tuning table inside PD to manipulate the [osc~] frequencies based on an index received by [notein] midi data, which doesn't seem too hard!

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Howling like a wolf! Thanks very much for the reply, sebfusmaster.

    This is something I'm still very much grappling with understanding. This sort of 'comma' seems to be the main quirk inherent to music theory which has motivated the many variations in tone and complexity of music systems.

    The pitches that I have solved for above were derived from D @ 288Hz. Knowing that, would you be able to tell me explicitly, where this wolf fifth might be hiding? I'm sure with enough focused analysis, it will become apparent, but I certainly do appreciate the expertise.

    I am interested in the possibility of visualizing the sound w/ an oscilliscope, or an hilber scope like in this video:

    The program is written for macOS, which I do not use. I want to be able to do something like this with PD. I have experimented with: coreyker's patch with kinda poor yet somewhat promising results. I see also that there may be other possibilities offered by the [hilbert~] object: http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-6428-hilbert, Fascinating! I will definitely be looking into that, because visualizing the sounds will help to reveal properties of intervals (including if they are in tune or not!) and, perhaps, may reveal many other properties and geometries. This sort of functionaliy would greatly sweeten my little suite of tuning patches.

    As a final note, I'm interested in these ladies' work:

    . Although I cannot find their source, they claim to have written software capable of dynamically re-tuning intervals during play. This seems like a fairly simple operation once the musical intervals are perfectly understood.

    I have a lot of work to do. Please, do share any insights.

    posted in patch~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Thank you for this. It is a great help, and the patch makes it so easy to learn. I'm going to have my custom-tuned, polyphonic midi setup running in no time.

    I Love pd.

    posted in tutorials 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Oh MY. Christ & Kali. Dude, I love your mission statement here.
    I am wanting to learn of arduino/pd possibility, as well.

    posted in technical issues 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    Hey, do you mind if I ask: What are externals? Is that to extend the functionality of pd out into other software? Perhaps, to power an arduino or somethin? Or, to interact with ableton? Sorry if that's a stupid question.

    posted in extra~ 11 years agoread more
  • framboise

    I can't wait to get deeper into PureData. I am working on a complimentary patch using midi keyboard input to control the oscillators. So far so good, but at this point I can only play one note at a time on my keyboard. They "voice steal" from one another, rather than working together. I need to get a grip on this poly object next to achieve the midi polyphony that I want.

    As of this morning, I am using the above little module multiplied by every key to achieve my crude satisfaction! :lol:

    I obviously want to progress that. I would like also to develop a third patch, that uses a slider / toggle switchboard, and/or other midi buttons and dials to generate chords. Create all the basic chord formation functions, and use a dial to select the fundamental. I might do the same thing to perhaps create a drunken meandering of various scale formation, with tempo response. Yes! So I will create a sandbox of various scale exploration & tuning tools.

    I think this will reveal patterns of musical theory that will help me to more thoroughly understand and investigate this pitch system that I have solved for up above. And perhaps, come to know what all this fuss is about the so-called "Pythagorean Comma". It's supposed to be quite the musical conundrum. And the method above does not seem to hit such a comma, because together the pitches perfectly complete themselves @ the point of the octave. Well, this is not supposed to be the case. Their is supposed to be, according to common literature, some lefter over distance exceeding the 2:1 ratio of the octave--there's just a little tooo much left over, and that throws the whole thing off. But here, we don't see that. I do not understand it.

    The numbers work perfectly for me, multiplying only by 3/2, 1/2, and their inverses, 2 & 2/3. It is incredibly simple. I can't believe it. And, it sounds~ beautiful to me

    posted in patch~ 11 years agoread more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!