• floodcomics

    Sorry, been kinda busy the last few days!

    I've fixed the "image polyphony" now properly (before I was using a wonky workaround which was messing with the other [pix] effects). Added a "pixelation" style effect triggered by the OTO Biscuit's bitcrushing knob, colour change and motion blur from it's filter knob and colour inversion from the X-Station's arpeggiator.

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  • floodcomics

    @EEight seems like that [poly] more for an actual polyphonic synth, I just meant "polyphonic" as in being able to trigger multiple image sequences simultaniously with multiple MIDI notes.

    @whale-av I'm sure you can build some insane sound machines with Pd, but the aim of my project is to interface my already existing music hardware with my animations. I'll be fiddling away at some sort of noise makers soon enough though, I'm sure.

    I've added some CC controlled effects for fun, colour inversion triggered by the arpeggiator and motion blur linked to the amp envelope release, but I couldn't find a "colour hue" style effect which I'd love to link to the filter cutoff.
    My real hope though is to sort out the image multiplication. In the demo I'm using aforementioned pix multiplicator chaining, but like I said it's very limited, convoluted and clunky, there must be a better way.

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  • floodcomics


    You can use any MIDI source, an electric drumkit also, but atm the notes have to be held down for the animation to stay on screen. Tricky with drums.

    I've now run into a mathematical problem - my mortal enemy!
    I've managed to achieve "image polyphony" with [pix_multiply], but since I can only multiply two pixes at a time I have to chain multipliers together one by one to achieve polyphony and even then it is dependant of the base note.


    Here I have only the animations mapped to the sharp keys connected. If I hold C# I can combine it with the others sharps no problem, but that's it. On their own the other sharp notes (obviously) don't appear, since they are just connected to the cold in of the multipliers. To get it working in all combinations of all notes, even just for my measly 12-note octave, I'd have to create this gigantic network of multipliers. Surely there is some clever mathematical solution to this?

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  • floodcomics

    Hehe and there I was thinking I should get into Eurorack or LittleBits. Pb has restored my long lost faith in computers!

    Things are progressing nicely! I think it would make sense to move this to the "patches" subforum, how can I contact a mod?

    Here is the patch file:

    Here are the animations (personal use only pls, they were a lot of work):

    Here is a demo of the patch in action (audio from Novation X-Station and MFB 522):

    You'll need a MIDI source with clock (to control the speed). You might want to tweak the counter under "MIDI CLOCK" to get the tempo right (3, 6, 12, 24 etc. will guarantee a synced loop to "frames per beat" i.e. for 4/4 measure you'll want a 16 frame image sequence, for 3/4 a 12 frame sequence and so on).
    You'll also need a way to input MIDI notes (to select animations). Currently only one octave is mapped (C4-B5) and animations display only while the note is triggered.

    Next I'd like to work on fixing it so that polyphony is possible (layering the image sequences with white as alpha channel) and adding CC controlled visual effects.

    That was easier than I thought! I should have tried Pd years ago XD

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  • floodcomics

    In a way you were right about the file path though - I just ran into an issue with the file naming. I was using two digits (file00.png, file01.png etc rather than file0.png, file1.png etc) which seems to have caused some confusion in loading the frames. Changed the filenames to simple numbers (no preceding 0's) and the multiimage path to "file*.png" rather than "file**.png" and it works like a treat!

    Next step is mapping the MIDI note data to trigger different animations. Wish me luck! (also gladly accepting advice)

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  • floodcomics

    Fixed it!
    Slapped another counter inbetween and added a frame count to the multiimage object and it worked out!
    For anyone interested:

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  • floodcomics

    Tried that, but still it doesn't cycle through the sequence - pretty sure it can find the images fine though, since the first frame of the sequence (.png, 8 frames) is displayed correctly (both when using absolute and relative paths).

    I think its more likely to be related to the nature of the multiimage's input, but I don't know what kind of message it needs exactly to progress to the next frame. It claims the maximum is 1 (but won't accept 1 ) and needs to be a float and not a bang - but that doesn't mean much to me at this early stage in the game ^^

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  • floodcomics


    Thank you very much! I certainly am enjoying Pd, it's brilliant!
    Here's the patch. You will have trouble testing it without an incoming MIDI clock signal and the image sequence though.

    I tried your suggestion, but I only get "selection number too high" (max is 1). Same if I change it to [sel 1] or use a [float 1] object. Even if I put another counter after it so that it outputs 0 and 1 alternately I get the same message.

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  • floodcomics

    I just started out with Pd for a vey specific project, but I'm pretty inept with computers so please be patient!

    I'm trying to control and animate image sequences via MIDI, with the MIDI Clock signal (or a fraction therof) working as the framerate and using MIDI Note messages to select the animation, as well as MIDI CC messages to control visual effects (colour hue, rotation, inversion and so on).

    I've managed to make a MIDI clock counter and tried using it to cycle through the images of a "pix_multiimage" object, but it won't cycle through the image sequence (only the first image of the sequence is displayed) as it is recieving a bang rather than a float.


    I assume there is something missing between the clock output and the multiimage input. I've tried addind a "float" (and "float 0" and "float "1") message inbetween and the error message stops, but the image still doesn't cycle.

    That's my main question for the moment, further down the line I'd also be greatful for any info on how I would go about setting up the "notein" values to select from a matrix of multiimage objects, ideally with the option to layer images when polyphonic input is recieved, and how to implement the CC controlled visual effects, but that would probably be asking too much.

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!