• f1oat

    This track is my 2nd collaboration with an artist playing my Heritage Modular DIY polyphonic synthesizer.

    The creation of this track has started on the SynthFest France 2024 with the recording of a live session, followed by few weeks of studio work, remotely.

    This machine is the result of 4 years of work, and is based on Pure Data.
    The project is hosted here: https://www.heritagesynthesizers.fr/

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  • f1oat

    The development of my PD based polyphonic modular synth has reached a major milestone with this track by Kurtz Mindfields. Almost 4 years of hard work since my first patch with PD.

    Enjoy !


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  • f1oat

    My DIY HW synth is now almost finalized. I have presented it @SynthFest France and @Happy Knobbing.

    Since my last post on this forum, I have increased the number of HW modules to 20, and added multitimbral capabilities. Lot of Pure Data code optimization has been done to cope with the processing load for all these modules over 8 voices.

    I have published some new videos and demos on the project website: https://www.heritagesynthesizers.fr/

    Here is a demo track made with 3 separate takes :
    All sounds are coming from the synth, no other stuff is used.

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  • f1oat

    As the project is mainly related to a dedicated hardware controller, I have open a new thread for technical discussions with the reference to a website where you can find a system description:

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  • f1oat


    Following my last post in output~ section, here is a brand new website dedicated to my DIY polyphonic modular synth: https://www.heritagesynthesizers.fr/

    In the "Technical informations" section you will find a slideware with an overview of the architecture and the different components. Pure Data is the core of this hardware modular synth with early 1970s look and feel.

    This project has started in July 2020 and is not yet finalized, but is already producing interesting sounds!


    DSC02890 - corrected.jpg

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  • f1oat

    Thanks. In the video description you can find a link to the French speaking forum where I have posted the progress: http://forum.anafrog.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=18334

    I am preparing an English language slideware with more technical details (system diagram, details on software implementation, hardware, etc ...).
    It should be available within the coming days.

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  • f1oat


    For my first post, here is a track played on my DIY Pd based polyphonic modular synthesizer:

    This is a live single take, the audio is recorded directly from the analog output and is not processed. What you can hear is the raw sound of this synth.

    DSC02890 - corrected.jpg

    Eurorack modules are not producing any sound, they are only controllers for Pd which is running sound generation over 8 voices. All knobs and switches positions are transmitted over I2C to an x86 SBC and are converted to OSC protocol to go to Pd. Patch cables are detected and used to setup dynamically the software connections between the different Pd blocks.

    Everything is DIY: electronics, firmware, pcb, case, front panels, etc ...

    I have been working on this project for two years, and I will need few more months to fill the upper Eurorack frame !


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