• endy

    Thanks guys. @lacuna I'm attempting to integrate your randomizer with a fileplayer I am working on where two random samples are played at once and there is an option to loop one or both samples. However I am fairly new to PD and not sure I have a good understanding of the looping mechanism. This attempt below in plugdata leads to a weird behavior where sometimes the loop works and sometimes it doesn't. And sometimes it works for both samples, sometimes it works for only one. Any insight into what I might be doing wrong here? Much, much appreciated if you (or anyone else) replies:

    Screenshot 2023-10-11 at 9.08.24 AM.png

    posted in technical issues read more
  • endy


    Not sure if this is possible but I'd like to use a bang object to select a folder and then once a folder is set, I'd like to use another bang to pick a random file from the folder to send to readsf~. I'm using PD vanilla on MacOSX. I'm sure I'll need an external, but not sure which. [shell] and [folder_list] do not seem to work. Can I do this?

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!