• earlyjp

    @jameslo -- Thank you for the suggestion to use a DAW to synchronize the audio with the OSC messages. I considered this option, but I am trying to see how far I can get using only Pd. I didn't mention in my original post that my system runs on a Raspberry Pi 4, and I'm concerned that running a DAW would strain the resources needed by Pd. However, I will investigate this further and report back. Thanks again.

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  • earlyjp

    @whale-av - This is very helpful indeed, thank you! I will experiment with the suggested objects and report back.

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  • earlyjp

    Greetings, everyone.

    I would like to create a PD patch that would load and play an audio file and send OSC messages at specific points during playback. Playing the audio file and sending OSC messages are straightforward individually, but I've not discovered an elegant why to synchronize them. Would I use an array crated by soundfiler to create a sort of timeline, then trigger an OSC message based on the index of the sample being played? Suggestions would be most appreciated.

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