• dreamer

    @bklindgren said:

    for some reason my pd runs it ok

    You are probably running on Windows? It's filesystems are case insensitive, where other OSes are sensitive to different cases.

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  • dreamer

    @oid said:

    Isn't this the standard pd work flow?

    It is not for me :expressionless:

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  • dreamer

    What is the idea behind the two [*~ 1] objects in the patch? You realize that these do not do anything? :)

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  • dreamer

    Have you gone over the Designing Sound patches yet? -> http://aspress.co.uk/sd/

    This is a really cool inspiration of small, but very usable DSP patches.

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  • dreamer

    There is a very old bug report about this: https://github.com/plugdata-team/plugdata/issues/1195
    Maybe follow up there (and mention your OS and plugdata version, which you omitted here).

    In the plugin version this is not really expected to work since a plugin host will very likely filter these kind of messages.
    Especially with VST3 where the spec is very restrictive on what MIDI can do.

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  • dreamer

    @bocanegra said:

    is it possible to do one sample feedback delays?

    Btw the answer to this is that the HV_SIMD_NONE flag does single sample processing that allows for such feedback and filter design.

    This does compromise any performance increases for targets that enable SSE/NEON/AVX.

    The AVX implementation is still buggy and missing some stuff, anyway. However the ~4x performance increase on NEON is valuable enough to keep this in mind.

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  • dreamer

    Very cool! there's some very intriguing algorithms at play here ;)

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  • dreamer

    I've been creating some tutorial videos to help people get started converting their pd patches using plugdata.

    Getting Started:

    How to target Daisy:

    Pitch/CV and tempo sync in a custom synth voice:

    I'm still planning different topics like DAW plugins and externals.
    Any other ideas for what I can cover? :)

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  • dreamer

    The easiest is probably to use https://github.com/x42/jack_midi_clock to create MIDI realtime messages based on the jack transport.

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  • dreamer

    @donnerbono I tried this first one using heavylib abstractions and your expr~ line.

    Pretty clean and easy to patch. And you should be able to build it for OWL and Daisy and such.


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