hey you guys!
I've started making little applets from processing sketches paired with puredata.
The first two on my website are simple interactive audio/musical toys. and more ideas are being created right now.
I'm considering new ways to produce music from visual inputs and trying to think out of the box for the next apps. They're small projects and have limited utility; as I've just started learning this on the way. The plan is to get the fun ones on android/iOs.http://www.adamssounds.com/#!code/cw81
you can get them here for mac, linux and windows. (note that i still havent tested them in any other platforms than mac, feedback would be nice if things don't work.
I usually always make sure that my final signal to the dac is only multiplied by a hslider from 0 to 1 and move it in float using alt-click-drags.
And I always keep Pd; Dsp 0 Message not too far away in case of the big bang exploding.
@gsagostinho : I thought about implementing fade ins & outs for a day or two, but it wasn't a pripority at the time. I could possiby do it now that I have more time to work on it.
Hey guys! two months ago, my teacher wanted me to code an audiolooper~ abstraction.
I've had quite some fun playing around with it. So I wrote it in libpd to use in mobmuplat.You can download AudioLooper~ on my website.
@dwan , I just finished reading up on Graph-on-parent. That's an even more elegant way to fix my problem. Thanks.
I'm making a custom object to loop audiofiles. Whenever I load a new soundfile in my patch (inlet#01), i send messages to reset my values (inlet#2 thru 7) to their desired value and it works fine within the patch itself. What I have trouble with, is refreshing the value of those toggles and sliders if they are connected to the inlets of my object. Iv'e learned about |set $1< to correspond two values, but is there a way to do that through an inlet and have the value from inside the object reflect on the outside toggle/slider/number?
Whenever I load a new sound, the patch resets inlet 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 to their start value (Within the patch), but the toggles sliders and numbers outside the object will stay where they are if I had previously moved/changed them. I'd like them to reflect what goes on inside the patch. It's not a deal-breaker problem, it's just really annoying to the user to have the wrong values being displayed when , really, they have changed.
@dwan Thanks on the input. I'll be deleting useless stuff to see how much cpu I can save. I hadn't thought about [s] and [r] for simple stuff like bangs and toggles, i'll try to use it more to simplify the look of the patch. have you encountered any undesirable effect/bug while testing?
@gsagostinho https://svn.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/svn/trunk/scripts/guiplugins/simple_examples/cordarrows-plugin.tcl
you're looking for this file.
**Hi guys! **
This is my first serious object created with Pd. I'm taking a puredata class at my University and my professor asked us to make a looper object to play soundfiles and toy around with them. So I've dropboxed my first beta version here:
AudioLooper~ :
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l9npip5k70y3sbj/AAB4vSIuCfiXnUOGBdax0PdCa?dl=0I have to give the homework in on monday the 03rd of November, but I'll be getting feedback from my professor and we'll keep working on it for the semester.
If you'd like to pitch in suggestions or modifications, i'm super open to that. I'd like to optimize the object and share it with everyone.Here's a screenshot of my -help.pd for a quick overview.
Screen shot 2014-11-01 at 2.31.30 PM.pngI have a feeling it may be using a little too much cpu (averaging 19% of my '09 macbook pro), but it does have a lot of features, maybe that explains...
There are a lot of useless number boxes if you open AudioLooper~, but they helped me understand what I was doing, So I left them there for now.
AudioLooper~'s Dependancies: [sfruit/if]
Made with Pd Vanilla 0.45-4(32bit) on OSXDon.
try my solution in this post. Delaying the Audio by around 25ms in the audio settings should do the trick.
I had the same problem today and I found a way better solution than running two instances of Pd. I'm running Pd 0.45.4 on mac (snow leopard). Pd was using around 40% of the cpu and it was cracking when I was playing around with a Patch running Gem. So I messed around with the audio settings in the media menu of Pd. I delayed the output by around 25 ms and that fixed the problem.
Delaying the sound seems to give Pd enough time to render Gem before outputing audio, therefore, no more cpu cracking and poping!