• daylightinz

    @whale-av It worked perfectly. Thank you, it will be of very much help to my project. :)

    posted in technical issues read more
  • daylightinz

    I am newbie at PD, so I have this problem that I couldn't find a solution. There is an inlet, that is a list in the format X1 D1 ... Xn Dn, where X is a MIDI value (note), D is a time value (ns) and n >= 1. The objective is to play the X1 value for D1 ns, then X2 value for D2, ..., until Xn Dn, where the sound stops (silence).

    I was playing with mtof, osc~ and line~, so I could understand how I can do this with one pair of values. For example 90 100, works fine, but I have no idea how I can do this sequentially (like 90 100 96 200 90 200). I would very much appreciate any suggestions.

    posted in technical issues read more
Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!