• buynnnmmm1

    Please let me know other sites which explained the method of creating a sound effects like http://www.obiwannabe.co.uk/tutorials/html/tutorials_main.html.

    I would like to learn how to make sounds what I need.

    Please let me know resources other media, for example, a book, and how to make sound effects are explained to be.

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  • buynnnmmm1

    To be able to synthesize the sound what I hope, what should I study?

    For example, I would like to make explosion sound.

    But I don't know how to make it.

    I would like to know how to make sound effects what I need.

    I would like to know what should I study.

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  • buynnnmmm1

    I cannot use MIDI with "csound6~".
    Warning message is following.

    "WARNING: midi disabled (launch with '-+rtmidi=null -M0' to enable)"

    I wrote "-+rtmidi=null -M0" in csound csd file. Why?

    I use MIDI.pd and midi.csd file.

    I use Debian Linux Box.

    ***** MIDI.pd file
    #N canvas 291 164 450 298 10;
    #X obj 102 251 dac~;
    #X msg 43 53 midi 144 61 100;
    #X obj 94 209 csound6~ midi.csd;
    #X msg 272 53 midi 144 61 0;
    #X text 49 33 push button;
    #X text 266 30 release button;
    #X connect 1 0 2 0;
    #X connect 2 0 0 0;
    #X connect 2 1 0 1;
    #X connect 3 0 2 0;

    ****** midi.csd file
    -+rtmidi=null -M0
    instr 1
    iFreq cpsmidi ;listen for midi frequency
    aout oscil 10000, iFreq, 1
    outs aout, aout

    f 1 0 1024 10 1
    i1 0 36000

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  • buynnnmmm1

    I would like to use VMPK(VIRTUAL MIDI PIANO KEYBOARD) with Pure Data.

    I am learning Csound with tutorial videos in Youtube.

    Tutorial 10 use Pure Data with Csound file and MIDI Keyboard.

    Csound file in Tutorial 9 is need in tutorial 10.

    But I don't have real MIDI keyboard. So, I would like to use VMPK.

    I can play with VMPK in csoundqt with tutorial9 csound file.

    But I cannto play with VMPK in Pure Data.

    How can I use VMPK with Pure Data?

    I use Debian Linux(version Sid).

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  • buynnnmmm1

    Thank you very much for your help.

    @What? said:

    I don't know any tutorial books, per say, but I recommend looking up books on foley. Foley is the art of creating sound effects. A good book on the subject is "Sound Design: The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound Effects in Cinema" by David Sonnenschein.

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  • buynnnmmm1

    Thank you very much for your help.
    I'll read it.

    posted in technical issues read more
  • buynnnmmm1

    Now I can use VMPK with Alsa.

    I read http://vmpk.sourceforge.net/#MIDI_concepts, and I understand how to do with Alsa. The "aconnect" is a tool like qjackctl.

    0. I install aconnectgui.

    1. Pure Data Menu: Media -> Alsa

    2. Pure Data Menu: Media -> Alsa-MIDI

    3. I use aconnectgui, then I connect "MIDI Through Port-0 output" to "Pure Data Midi-in 1".

    Thank you very much!

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  • buynnnmmm1

    Thank you for you advice.

    I try to use jack, and I can use VMPK and Pure Data with Jack.

    I would like to use VMPK with Pure Data without Jack.

    Can I use VMPK with Pure Data with Alsa in Linux?

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