• anthropomo

    I've just put my first beta of an Android tablet-based synthesizer on Google Play:

    https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.anthropomo.anthrosynth (free)


    "SynthPad" - allows for quasi-theremin effect, and switches to modulate other audio parameters
    Touch-drawn sound waves and envelopes
    3 filter stages

    A bunch of other stuff.

    If nothing else, it is genuinely a lot of fun. And it's free.

    I am open to suggestions in terms of UI, features, Pd usage. Really anything. Let me know what you think. If you like it, I wouldn't mind a review. (I'll be making a non-tablet version eventually).

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  • anthropomo

    I got into Pd (2 or 3 months ago) because I wanted to emulate MIDI on Android. I was annoyed Android does not have built in MIDI support, but now I'm grateful because I'm getting into Pd in it's own right (and my Android projects can make some weird noises).

    This patch includes two abstractions. One is "deswitcher4~" a fairly trivial abstraction that allows you to select one of 4 audio signals to pass through. The second abstraction is the point of this. It's the awfully named "vcf_fun~" which allows you to connect an osc~ or phasor~ or whatever as a number signal to the Q inlet on a vcf~. Inlets and arguments are explained in the abstraction.

    Anyway, I find it fun. I'm also guessing this is mundane everyday stuff for most of you.


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  • anthropomo

    I'm trying to figure out how to use an array as an amplitude envelope. So far in the various tutorials, I just see it used as a pitch envelope.

    My guess is that you use tabread (no tilde) to read the array, but from there I have no idea as that tabread can be plugged in to vline, but you get an error if you send a bang to that tabread like you would a message with an envelope described.

    If you can help with the first question, extra bonus points if you can answer the second. Once I have the array set up as the envelope is there a way to stop the array at a particular amplitude, hold for an unspecified period, then continue from the same spot (i.e., sustain)?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • anthropomo

    Hi, I'm new!

    I'm wondering if anyone is aware of any good resources for any non-standard tunings as expressed in MIDI numbers. Frequency would be welcome as well.

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  • anthropomo

    This is both my first Android app and my first work with Pd, so be gentle. :)

    The patch behind this app is extremely basic. Admittedly, I got Peter Brinkmann's book on eReader and learned the bare minimum (very easy to follow, by the way, not that anyone here needs it). Most of the work went into getting the Android side of things going.

    Future versions will include other instruments, probably a Pd-based rattle sound effect, and, depending on how adventurous I get, non-Western scales.

    Anyway, it's a little bit fun and very much free:


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  • anthropomo

    Please help me simplify this switch.

    I've included two versions in one patch: one with number boxes for testing and another showing the abstraction (I'll also be making an audio version).

    It currently does what I want: if 0, send the signal to the left, if 1, send the signal to the right.

    I'm just hoping there is a less verbose, vanilla way to achieve the same effect.


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  • anthropomo

    Following up. Finally getting over the learning curve and I have this improvement on my switch above. Can't believe how long it took to de-mystify route and unpack.


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  • anthropomo

    In case anybody is curious, the source code for this is now available:


    The pd part now uses poly, thanks to tutorials here.

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  • anthropomo

    I'll give that a look. Thanks for the quick replies!

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  • anthropomo

    This does look like and improvement. With my version I can put tildes (~) on the multipliers and outlets and it can process audio signals. Is there a way to do this with the above?

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  • anthropomo

    Well, yes, I have read the help page. Not sure if it's spline, polynomial or linear. And I have no idea how it translates to no clicks.

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  • anthropomo

    Hey, cool, figured it out. tabread4~ instead of tabread~ took away the clicks for some reason!

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  • anthropomo

    Thanks Maelstorm!

    This got me to about 99% of where I want to be. At least to a working demo of the pd end of this particular feature.

    Now, bearing in mind that the array drawn here has nothing to do with my ultimate goal for this (which, full disclosure, is programmatically-assisted drawing of the envelope in an android app)... bearing that in mind,

    Can anybody take a quick look at this simple patch and tell me why I get static at the beginning of either hit or hit_sus, and also on fade if I bang it before either hit?


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  • anthropomo


    Thanks for checking out the app!

    I'm not in a hurry to go open source for a few reasons:

    1. I'm fairly new to seriously programming (aside from some javascript hijinks 10 years ago, a little under a year in), so my code is a little embarrassing at the moment. I'm to the point of knowing what I'm doing wrong in terms of OOP and de-coupling, but not always how to fix it, let alone get it right in the first place.

    2. Due to lack of commenting, my poorly organized code is probably unreadable/unusable by anybody but me.

    3. In terms of Pd, this program is very boilerplate. It's basically everything Brinkmann describes in his first example. It's available for free in the libpd distro in the guitar tuner sample.

    As the project matures, I may reconsider (though it may never mature as I am itching to move on to the "intuitive" sequencer building in my head).

    If anyone has questions about any specific features, I will gladly send code snippets and explanations.

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Internal error.

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