hi there
I just do some practice and want to know the function about [linear_path] & [spline_path] .I open the help files, i can't read any data from the table which I send the array data dynamically .
the [open <table_name> ( is the same as the [table name] in the same file.I don't know how to make them work.
thanx very much
recently I met this problem, and I dont know which pd object has this function which is shown in the attachment pic,
and this is a vvvv snapshot, the vvvv node (like pd object) named homography
Its function is to control the vertex of the rectangle to fit the real wall which is being projected in any possible angle.so my question is the is there any object to control the gem rectangle or any 3d model's vertex in pd ?
thanx a lot!
i just found i posted in the wrong forum:
http://puredata.hurleur.com/sujet-5819-gem-mapping-question-compare-vvvv-nodethe red circles i marked is print with the rectangle's 4 vertex//
and is there a pd's way to solve this problem? -
recently I met this problem, and I dont know which pd object has this function which is shown in the attachment pic,
and this is a vvvv snapshot, the vvvv node (like pd object) named homography
Its function is to control the vertex of the rectangle to fit the real wall which is being projected in any possible angle.so my question is the is there any object to control the gem rectangle or any 3d model's vertex in pd ?
thanx a lot!
here is a patch that maybe from the pd example libary, it's name is
it can let us move pd console window buy moving a dot in a grid object.
that is so funny that make me wanna trying to move other windows by this patch,
but how ... ?
and the patch is attached.
I met a problem that
even max/msp or pd when we create a patch,
some errors could not shown in console,
or maybe there's no error but we just could not make the right thing.for example if I send one rendering 3d obj model to a window and also a quicktime movie to the same window,there maybe just show nother or just one thing, (it is just a assumption, i mean some errors like that take me the same feeling. )
I dont know if the problem is caused by that one is replaced by another , or the two all in the window but just because there are two layers one is covered another or that is just need a plane to texture on.
it is hard to let us know what i am doing wrong in the patch, because, it looks like I dont know the basic rules, that is pretty true,
but for us newbie, one way to learn it is reading lots of basic theory , and another is practice, during that we rush on a wall , we could not handle it, and cont find the root .that is some of my feeling about media tools like pd max/msp and so on .
is there a better way to debug ? if no could pd's offical team think about that ?
thanx a lot
Sincerely andm
we know processing(processing.org) is avilable on android platform, it makes me so exciting that mobile device is playing more important role than the past.
here im trying to find any possibility that pd could also run @ android instrument , i mean that we could write simple patch on android.
i just wanna use 2 laptop
one is going to be a max/msp platfrom and another would be puredatai searched the past topic most of them is wiimote connection,
so how to connect max/msp by bluetooth connection ?
not only max/msp & puredata , but also pd & pd from two different laptop combined together..
hi there
we made a4*4 arduinome (just like monome) recently , and to the arduino firmware, we let it send signals when we press any pad.
here's our arduinome pic:
but you know, only we send pduino firmware to arduino, pduino can recieve the right messages like : "analog 0 0.222" "digital 12 1" ...
and the 1st time I connect pduino , I just seen what was happened when I just connect pduino with no pduino firmware but just my arduinome fireware.
of caurse error messages but occasionally right .
here's the pd consle pic :
http://picasaweb.google.com/malianglight/Arduinome#5356250267147449202and now I m thinking that : we are trying to send serial signals to pd, so why we could not give up pduino object , just using serial connection object in pd ?
I dont know how can we setup a serial connection in pd , I just find serial object but it just had one inlet , How could we go next step ?
these days I dont know any reason that after I lanch pd , and "ctrl + N" create a new patch window, my keyboard dont work anyway. some times after I quit and restart pd, it could work well.
but now it is become very usual that keyboard not work.
I m just learning [pix_record] in pd , and i m trying here with a very simple animation that a cube rotating in gemwin ,
and trying to record it with a *.mov output.
but here I just made a *.mov file ,but it is only very little size, 32kb , I think it means that there's none frame be recoaded .
and attached file is my pd file,
I dont know if there is a sequnces to click on the toggle and bang messages to control [pix_record] or not ?
thanks very much .
gemmouse could recoad our mouse event in gemwin, but how can we draw a line in gemwin when we click left or right mouse ?
as we all know , a Gem-window generally used to be a output Object that shows what is rendering in our patch, and here's my questions:
is there any Gem functions or Geos or gem-properties that can send out the detail infromation in gemwin ? (like make a gem-window being a input method )
for example , a certain position(x,y) 's color message ?
actually, here I wanna to do is that 1st I send my webcam or a normal pix_video to gemwin , and 2nd, I want read a certain position color , and send it out to print (I dont know if we must send it to gemwin and after that I could scrab the message, or we could directly get the certain messages ?)
latest news: Ive successfully installed pd-extended on Ubuntu , including Gem and other libraries ,
they all works well !!thanks Sunji ,radiostarkiller,nestor and my friends Jun.
here's my whole process:
1,download and install the latest Ubuntu 8.10 intrepid , then update system up-to-date
2,download the right version for your sys , for me , choose pd-extended intrepid deb package , and just double click it and install , the deb package could auto-download and install the related files from your install source.
3,after install finished, you could run pd-extend from terminal. but here we met a new problem, cannot load Gem successful. // don't worry, we just leave little half step to rush the finishing line @@)
4,turn on terminal, update apt-get source : sudo apt-get update
5, still terminal : apt-get install gem // pd and Gem would be downloaded from you source ftp , after that , type "pd" in terminal , new pd running out it's window , but none libraries was loaded.(@#$%!@ Holy.!#$%)
6, this situation we met before, similar but actually very different. last time I installed 2 version of pd in different path, and make sys disorder . but this time , the same path. and what I've done is to uninstall pd in terminal : "sudo apt-get remove pd" ,
7, backing to the extended deb package we downloaded before, and install again.
8: run pd ... Gem and other packages loading successful !
conclusion: I guess maybe don't need so complex to work it out, the key point I think is to install Gem from source, and it would install any package that Gem must needed .
that's it
thanks again and enjoy pd@Linux now
--------------------------- OLD POST -----------------------------------------------
because less user on Mandriva , so I changed my sys to Ubuntu yesterday.
and here I met new prolbem for installing pd-extended for Ubuntu.before I install pd-extended , I installed these packages first:
libasound2 (>> 1.0.12)
libc6 (>= 2.5-0ubuntu1)
libjack0.100.0-0 (>= 0.101.1)
dep: tcl8.4 (>= 8.4.5)
dep: tk8.4 (>= 8.4.5)
and when I run pd install , both Hardy and Gutsy that showed error here :
Gutsy ; Error:Dependency is not satisfiable: libgsl0
Hardy: Error:Dependency is not satisfiable: liblame0
I searched them in package manager , I thought they were both about the libraries that I've installed above.
thats it
Hi there
I followed the install.txt from the pd src .
and sucessfully compiled pd by gcc on mandriva linux sys.it runs well, but even by using "-helppath /usr/../../Extra", it still could not load any libaraies like Gem, cyclone , zexy ....
I changed the path even in /usr/share/. or any other places like /home/../Documents/ .. but problem still boring me ...
so is there anyone could give me a clue about this ?
thanx a lot
this is a special one .
console said:"sorry, couldn't find help patch for "mp3play~.pd"" -
Great! thanx very much, that is very helpful !
that may take me long time to study,
really help me to go forward to my test's aim -- about mapping & 3d object video texture.
i'll post a new topic to collect the info these days. -
the red circles i marked is print with the rectangle's 4 vertex//
and is there a pd's way to solve this problem? -
pd fro window works very well
i just changed the fro's new name by bang [window_name] to the symbol
different computer may set a new window name here.
i ll try gemwin later ,
thanx a lot @lead
Thanx very much I ll visit ur link. Yesterday I'm trying to move the gem -rendering win but i earned failure
I guess it must be the path or the window name problem..