• ananthp

    @whale-av you are absolutely right. I have two machines with same os, pd, libs versions but different hardware. On the problematic machine I installed pd in a ubuntu 17.10 virtual machine and pd patches look correct. Should be a bug in the video driver version included with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.



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  • ananthp

    @whale-av said:

    @ananthp Do you get any messages in the Pd terminal about fonts?


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  • ananthp

    Number and symbol boxes look funny. Angled connections are not rendered. Creating and editing patches are impossible due to lack of visual feedback.

    Ubuntu 16.04
    pd vanilla: 0.46.7
    tcl, tk: 8.6

    I suspected tcl/tk 8.6 being the culprit. I couldn't replace them with 8.5 as one of the dependencies of puredata-gui installs 8.6. Besides, I have another system with the same versions as this one but works without this issue.

    Has anyone experienced the same issue? Any idea how to fix it?


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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!