• Abgehter

    Awesome ty a lot

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  • Abgehter

    is there a way to set shortcuts for a patchuser, for example

    "R" = |s $0bang|

    |r $0bang|

    I want to be able to start and stop recording by typing "R".

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  • Abgehter


    when I use |; resize arrayX 0 ( it allways has the length 1 and the first value is not deleted.
    Is there a way to set the length really to 0 or do I allways need to set the first value to 0 manuelly?

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  • Abgehter


    I hope this is what you meant whale.

    Normaly there is some input from an arduino, but i also added a simulation-part.
    To play a sound you need to save it in samples/m1/S1/t1.wav or other numbers.

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  • Abgehter


    I made a patch enabling the user to trigger pd playing wave-files. The "adress" of the file is stored in an array, so pd can loop the played files. This is working fine.
    (I use readf~)

    I made a second patch that stores 10 of the first one, so the user is enabled to make a kind of "song"^^.
    This is also working, but not fine. I have two major problems:

    if there was a pause between two files there is an ugly sound, not like raising the volume without line~ but as the speakers are turned off(sounds like "bubb"^^).

    Sometimes pd "chokes" and than the only output is noise~(like overdriving). This keeps some seconds and than smooth comes back to normal sound.

    Did I perhaps connected the outlets wrong? I used [+~] and connected all (8) to the left side. This seems wrong in resume, but if i connect to left and right the right side might only played when the left side also has some input...

    I hope someone can give me some tipps :)

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  • Abgehter

    I know its a little offtopic but can someone show me the right syntax for the |resize< message-box?

    i tried

    |resize $1 datas1< and also |resize datas1 $1<

    All i got is a "argument $1 out of range" Error.
    I also tried it with replacing $1 with 100 and klicking it but nothing happend. Do i need to connect the outlet to somewhere? Its a little confusing^^

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  • Abgehter

    Great thank you, it works fine :)

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  • Abgehter


    first let me discripe my project in short way:

    Im using a wii nunchuk-controller with an arduino to controll short wav-files(small soundfiles like a drumkick) played in pd.

    I want to use an array to store which file shell be played (0 for none, 1, 2, 3, etc.). With a [select] pd choose the rhight file. The Arduino sents messages every 125ms.
    This is working so far...

    But now my problem: By pressing the "C"-Button the user decides to not play from the array but from his interaction-input. And by pressing the "Z"-Button the user decides to override the old array with his interaction-input. But the Array shell only have the length depending of the users-input (so that their is no pause in the loop or the array is to small).

    So in my thougt I need to "reset" the array if the user hit the Z-Button and than resize the array +1 each intervall the Z-Button is pressed. But I can't find a way how to detect if the "1" from Arduino-input is sent the first time or in a row, so PD don't knows if it should count up or reset.

    So is there a object or a construction giving the following logic:

    bang if you got a 1 the first time, but do not bang if it is the second time without getting a 0 before?

    I hope you understand me and have a solution. If not please ask or help me to explain better ;-)

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Internal error.

Oops! Looks like something went wrong!