I made a patch enabling the user to trigger pd playing wave-files. The "adress" of the file is stored in an array, so pd can loop the played files. This is working fine.
(I use readf~)
I made a second patch that stores 10 of the first one, so the user is enabled to make a kind of "song"^^.
This is also working, but not fine. I have two major problems:
if there was a pause between two files there is an ugly sound, not like raising the volume without line~ but as the speakers are turned off(sounds like "bubb"^^).
Sometimes pd "chokes" and than the only output is noise~(like overdriving). This keeps some seconds and than smooth comes back to normal sound.
Did I perhaps connected the outlets wrong? I used [+~] and connected all (8) to the left side. This seems wrong in resume, but if i connect to left and right the right side might only played when the left side also has some input...
I hope someone can give me some tipps