• _thierry_


    I've tested the Zack and Cort algorithm which allow a timbral mix between two samples (audio example IO6 in Pd manual) but found it somewhat limited (I had been especially much more impressed a few years ago by a demo in Ircam, where the sounds of the MGM Lion and a human voice perfectly mixed).

    I guess algorithms for mixing timbres has progressed since Z&C. I would be interested in publications on this topic, as well as patches if there are some.

    Also, Speech Synthesis has been there for a long time now. Beside the most obvious vocoder application, are there other work being done to apply these techniques in the field of music ? I would be interested in getting directions in this area.



    posted in technical issues 13 years agoread more
  • _thierry_


    here is a link to a semi-improv ( a planned improv, i could say ! ) I did with Pure Data. Nonetheless it's completely done in Real-time, using controls from a NanoKontrol and mouse.

    I used Johannes Kreidler FFT subtractive filter, plus several additive and FM synths, coupled with Delays and Panos.



    posted in output~ 14 years agoread more
  • _thierry_

    This is stunning as well as your site.


    posted in output~ 14 years agoread more
  • _thierry_

    Absolutely stunning. I'm just starting with audio synthesis and Pd. I'm going to analyse your work !

    posted in patch~ 14 years agoread more
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