Hello, I’m new to the forums and very new to Pd so please excuse me if this is a trivial question.
I am looking to write an iOS app (in Swift, no less) that will dynamically load an instrument, such as a guitar, patched in Pd. I have played with the iOS samples with success and know that I can call PdBase sendFloat to send values to my named ”$0-" receive objects.
What I would like to know is:
can my application determine at run time how many dollarZero receive objects there are in the Pd patch, and
can the application determine the name of the dollarZero receive object at run time. In other words, ask the patch for an array of available dollarZero receive objects.
What I want to do is load an instrument, say a guitar, and then determine at run time that the instrument has receive objects named "pitch", "tone", "portamento”, etc. The app would then create iOS GUI objects to facilitate the app user to set values for these objects.
If I could do this I’d be very happy. If in addition to this I can also obtain minimum and maximum values for the receive objects I’d be ecstatic.
Also, is there a difference between receive objects named with "$0-" and those without?