Hi guys
I wonder if you can help please? I'm trying to get [pix_freenect] working in Pd in Ubuntu Studio 14.04.3 LTS. I've managed to get my Kinect working through terminal using libfreenect and typing 'sudo freenect-glview'
However when I try and run the pre built [pix_freenect] object in pd, Pd returns the following error "pix_freenect.pd_linux: libfreenect.so.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
Pd is installed in the default locations for Ubuntu I've inputted them in the Makefile as stated (they may be wrong though)
change to your local directories!
PD_APP_DIR = /usr/lib/puredata/bin/
PD_DIR = /usr/lib/puredata/
GEM_DIR = /usr/lib/pd/extra/Gem/
Any help you could give would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards