i cant cotnrol the loudness of audio in pd-extended, it doesnt make any difference if i run pd while JACK running or with ALSA! Im using ubuntu 14.04, any ideas would be highly appreciated!
No control on Pd-extended's loudness!
What exactly you mean you can't control the loudness of audio in Pd? Pd doesn't have a volume slider built in, but you can either use the system volume to control it (relative change), or you can multiply the signal by a value smaller than 1 before the [dac~] (absolute change).
Gilberto -
i mean controlling the system Volume (not from inside the patch). If pd is running the system volume gets out of function, so i cant turn the volume of the speakers lower or higher.
amir -
Your system volume is probably Pulse audio. which is disabled by Pd. Install alsamixer (alsa-utils).
Greetings & success,
Fred Jan
@amirteymuri That also could be from using an audio interface, which usually don't allow changes to system volume once its hooked up (at least in the case of OS X, but probably others)