i want to know if there is a way to display changing text in pd.
e.g when i press a bang the text changes to say on.
Question: Variable text
Hi, which type of text do you mean? A text in the console, a comment, a text inside a message?
@gsagostinho said:
a text inside a message?
Text in the patch. its inconvenient to look at the console..
i tried it on a message object but it doesn't appear in the graph. -
From the top of my head, what I can think is to use some of those techniques to dynamically alter a patch in real-time, so then you can edit a comment dynamically. That said, I never had much interested in doing those things myself, and they are often quite "hacky" if you know what I mean.
I understand. i guess it is more of an "interface" thing. and if it was possible they would have a Gui object saying Text lol.
I wonder if there is a way to get better graphic user interfaces with pd patches other than the canvas an other objects.
Short snippets of text (like "on") could simply be pushed into a symbol box? It is a gui box after all!
And here is another idea: you could use [image] to load some gif files dynamically if you really want to have a pretty GUI.
Im currently looking for this symbol box.....
and the image??
I can't find them...Ill just mention I'm using PD not PD Extended
Symbol box can be created via Ctrl+4 (or use the Put menu). [image] is probably pd-extended only.
Gilberto -
oh i see it now lol.
So how does it work ? -
Just send it a message such as [set dog( or [symbol dog(
Or in this case {symbol on(..... Gilberto seems to have a big thing going with "dog" lately!?!
@whale-av hahaha do I? In the past I was always using "foo" and "bar", but it sometimes confuses people that do not know these terms. So I always try to think of something random and yet simple to write, and apparently my brain can only think of dogs in that context
Yes!!!! we all have those, but most of them we cannot share!!!
I promise you i used the set message before and it didn't work.. now its working. thanks@whale-av
Do you know why symbol and set message both work just curious? -
Do you know why symbol and set message both work just curious?
I do. Set message works similar to a cold inlet: the value is stored but not output. The symbol message (or any data coming from a [symbol] object) will make its value be stored and also output. Try connecting the symbol box to a bang or a [print] and you'll see what I mean.
The box can simply receive a symbol.. you might have split a list for example and connected the box so as to see the symbol dropped into it.
"set" sets the content of the box so that you can output it later... its the same as actually typing a symbol into the box and then pressing enter, but it will not pass the message on.... you will need a bang for that, like the [float] box (also a gui!!).
David. -
Thanks that makes much sense.
Its those little bits of knowledge that make the difference.
before i came to this forum i was using patches without really understanding..any way big thanks to this forum.@ everyone
I will look into the "image" in pd extended
i tried it in extended and it removed the object and i got a console error -
I recommend heartily http://puredata.info/docs/manuals/pd/x2.htm
It is more than "well worth the read".
David. -
I will look into the "image" in pd extended
i tried it in extended and it removed the object and i got a console errorThis object is a bit buggy I have to say. This problem is because it cannot be initiated without a gif image, so you need to create it like this: either [image /full/path/dog.gif] or [image dog.gif] if the file
is in the same folder as your main patch (I am keeping the dog tradition from now on)
Gilberto -