Hi all,
I'm a little stuck trying to use routeOSC within an abstraction, with one of the abstraction parameters as a routeOSC filter.
Basically each abstraction object is given a number in the parent patch, e.g. Microphone 1, so if I print $1 within the abstraction on loadbang, I get 1 in this case.
In the abstraction patch itself, I've got a routeOSC objects like so:
[routeOSC /microphones]
[routeOSC /$1]
I'm trying to have it match only the microphone related to a particular instance, but from what I'm seeing it doesn't seem to do what I want (it seems to only be matching /2 for whatever reason). Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or how to go about it? I'm fairly new to PD, so I'm not sure I've quite got my head around messages and dollar signs yet.