I've installed demudi1.2 Linux distribution. And Now, I don't know where could I edit the pd startup files to put my preferences and path for abtractions.
the path please ...
Startup file in Linux
I just went through this. Check:
http://puredata.org/docs/faq/index_html#WhatArePdsCommandLineOptions -
yes I know the link, my problem is not what write in this file. I want to know where it is in Linux. Someone talk about create a file .pdrc in the /home/user/ folder, but it dosen't work. For instance, I have to write in the shell, the command pd + the path of abstractions + librairies. It's just not very useable.
SO WHERE it is ? -
the .pdrc should just go in your home directory, but if it's not working you can always just write a regular script that starts pd with all the options you want..
Files starting with a "." are usually hidden on Linux. The "-a" flag for "ls" forces display of these. For example:
$ cd /home/claude
$ ls
bin bwusage.txt crapart2.wav IMG_0379.JPG incoming ls.txt private public public_html raw.txt Screenshot.png tail.pd tail.pd.png tail.png tmp
These are the files you normally see.
Now I try:
$ cd /home/claude
$ ls -a
. .bashrc .fullcircle .grip-l3enc .lyx .phoenix .Skype .wine
.. .bcast .gaim .grip-lame .macromedia private .soundtracker .Xauthority
.alsaplayer bin .gamix .grip-other .mailcap public .ssh .xawtv
.amsn bwusage.txt .gconf .gstreamer .mcop public_html .sversionrc .xawtv~
.aspell.english.prepl .canna .gconfd .gtkrc .metacity .qt tail.pd .xchat
.aspell.english.pws .cddb .gftp .gtkrc-1.2-gnome2 .mikmodrc raw.txt tail.pd.png .xchm
.aspell.en.prepl .cddbslave .gimp-1.2 .ICEauthority .mime.types .RealNetworks_RealCookies_60 tail.png .xemacs
.aspell.en.pws .cheesetracker_QT .gnome .icons .mozilla .RealNetworks_RealMediaSDK_60 .terminatorXrc .xmms
.audacity crapart2.wav .gnome2 IMG_0379.JPG .mplayer .RealNetworks_RealPlayer_60 .thumbnails .xnviewrc
.autosave .cvspass .gnome2_private incoming .nautilus .RealNetworks_RealShared_00 .thunderbird .xscreensaver
.autothumb .dvdcss .gnome-desktop .jackdrc .netscape .realplayerrc tmp .xvpics
.avidemuxrc .emacs .gnome_private .java .netscape6 .recently-used .Trash .ymessenger
.Azureus .emacs.d .gphoto .kde .nicotine .rezound .user60.rdb
.bash_history .esd_auth .gprename .libquicktime_codecs .openoffice .rhn-applet.conf .viminfo
.bash_logout .fonts .grip .lives .pdrc .sane .wgetrc
.bash_profile .fonts.cache-1 .grip-flac ls.txt .pdrc~ Screenshot.png .wgetrc~
A whole load more files suddenly appear!
Obviously replace the "claude" in /home/claude with your username, too.