
Here is a colourful button
with hover and animatition effect

object: a-button

creation args: width, height, button-colour-r, g, b, label-colour-r, g, b, label, label-x, label-y, font, font-size, button-name

a-button 80 30 220 220 220 0 200 0 ok 30 15 0 14 ok-button

There is no outlet, use receive. e.g.
[r ok-button] [r ok-button-click] [ok-button-release]

There isn't any way to edit the a-button if creation arguments are used, therefore you need to know the exact creation arg beforehand,
however message lists can be sent at any time

[80 30 220 220 220 0 200 0 ok 30 15 0 14 ok-button(

Therefore its better to create an a-button connect a message list and edit that. when the required result is achieved, copy the text in the message then put an object on the canvas type a-button then a space then ctrl+v to paste the copied text as creation args.

[ <--- there is a non breaking space here (ascii 160, unicode 00A0)].
When a number is required for the button text this non breaking space must precede it!. also can be used as a space.

Reqirements are:- pd-extended and s.mmb from maelstorm's mmb-master library.

