I have accelerometer data in a file and I want to be able to split it into 3 lists (one list containing all the X values, one for all the Ys, and one for all the Zs).
The file looks as follows:
Where element 0 is X, element 1 is Y, element 2 is Z, element 3 is X and so on.
I'm trying to do it by banging the textfile object 3 times so it has 3 values in its list and then splitting these into 3 list objects using
twice (the left inlet of the first one going to X list, the other 2 values going into the next and then the left of that going into Y list and the middle going into Z list).
I then clear the textfile with [clear( and bang it again 3 times and so on.
This doesn't seem to be working quite correctly and I think it is quite a convoluted way to do quite a simple task (well a simple task if I was coding in C or something).
Does anyone have any ideas of an easier way to do this?
Thanks in advance.