Hi. I'm fairly new to pure data, have been teaching it to myself for about 2 or 3 weeks now.
I've come into a bit of a thing I'm not sure how to think my way out of.
I've got a set of five bangs, Play1, Play2, Play3, Play4, Play5.
I've got a [pd song1_1], [pd song1_2], [pd song1_3], [pd song1_4], [pd song1_5].
these are all loopers (they play a loop either forwards or backwards, and have their own volume control).
I'm wondering how to plug these pd songs to outlet~s in such a way that when I bang Play4, only song1_4 plays out, the others are muted. Same with all other of the 5 bangs.
How would I go about doing that? I tried to see if there was a selection~/select~ but could not find one.
So basically trying to figure out a way of controlling whether these things go out at all.
I have a feeling it's not a big thing to do, but I just thought to ask around here.