Hello there! Hope to find a solution to my little issue here.
I'm really new to pure data and I'm not sure yet about its limits.
I'll go straight to the point. I'm trying to compute the autocorrelation function of a big array (4092 elements) and I'm trying to do it as quick as possible.
I made the patch (just a few math objects connected together) using a metro object as the main pulse of the index shifting needed to compute the autocorrelation, but I soon realized that the metro object has a limit in speed that is way under what I expected. I get the result I need but it takes a few minutes.
What I need to know is: how can I make quicker calculations?
Is this aim beyond the possibilities of pure data?
If the answer is yes, is there a way (a not so tricky one) to designate the calculation to some other softfware which is more appropriate? (MATLAB, for example?)
Thank you in advance
ps: this is somehow related to another issue I'm thinking about these day, which is how to write "for" cycles in a simple way in pure data...maybe I'm missing something big about how pure data works.