well, so far i think ive found a new best friend for creating music (pure data,
teehee :D)
believe it or not, ive gathered from intense digging and plain old intuition that pure data likes to use mathematics.
the problem is, i dont.
i have never been good at math. my times table looks like a derelict, it takes me a half an hour to do long division, and i never got past high school algebra. part of it was my own fault, and part of it was that i never felt comfortable with my instructors over the years. a lot of times i feel like they just told me to do this this and that, and never "why" (which i need, in order to understand a concept).
anyway, enough about my life story, on with the question.
how about some recommendations for learning mathematics? i think i would learn much more easily with words than formulae, as i understand abstract concepts (geometry actually comes very naturally to me).
a bit of direction, i would mainly like to learn mathematics to help me better understand physics (contemporary), and also to get me to a higher level of using pure data.
thanks for any information, and sorry for my chemistry-driven post-o-rama of incredibly meaningless density.