hi spacedad (nice name
what you need to do is open the casio.pd patch, turn edit mode on (ctrl E), and then click once on an area just above the [pd pianokeys] subpatch*
then, with your mouse still clicked down, move over the subpatch, and it will turn blue. ..unclick
you have now selected the subpatch and can do a ctrl-x or control c to cut or copy it.
ctrl-p will paste it in another patch or anywhere you want.
* quick explaination of objects, externals, abstractions, subpatches:
object : anything included in the basic pd distribution (miller vanilla) - examples = [+ ] , [f ] , [tabread] ...etc
externals : basically the same as objects, but written by people other than miller... these live in your "extra" folder.. examples = [gemhead] , [makesymbol] , [freeverb~]
abstraction : a patch that is saved somewhere on your hard disk to be used inside other patches. you can tell that it is not an object because if you click on it , it will open to show the pd patch inside
subpatch : anything that looks like this -> [pd blah-blah-blah] - basically it is a patch within a patch, hence "subpatch"