It looks like part of the problem is that you could use a better understanding of how OSC works. OSC is not MIDI. You don't just send a bunch of numbers that all mean different things. With OSC, you need to provided a url-style address for those numbers to go to. For example, say you have a synth with a filter, and you want to update the parameters of that filter over OSC. You might have addresses like:
In order for the parameter values to go to the right spot, you need to provide the address along with the value. So your OSC message would be something like:
/synth/filter/cutoff 600
You can send lists as well as single values, but right now you're only sending a list without an address. Whatever you guys are using to receive the OSC message should be able to get the whole list by reading it from that address.
Take another look at the [packOSC] help. Near the bottom in the green box, it says to open the [routeOSC] helpfile, and then click [connect(. You can then click on the message boxes in the [packOSC] help, which get send over [udpsend]/[udpreceive] to the [routeOSC] helpfile. Which [print] object those messages end up at are determined by [routeOSC] based on the addresses of the messages.
If you just send a list (no address) [packOSC] will report an error.
btw, there is no integer type in Pd. Everything is a float. So it should be [pack f f f f f].
I attached a modified version of your patch that will hopefully show what you were missing.