Hi !
I am trying to do something, and have no clue how to do it (google didn't help) :
My goal is ... on a website that I am writing, when people click some stuff, I want the web-server to quickly generate a sound, and send it back to the page so that it can be played to the user. So the generation of the sound has to be as quick as possible.
an example - I have a very simple patch :
[receive x1] -> [osc~] -> [dac~]
And I would like to programatically (i.e., not using the GUI) generate say 5 seconds of sound of this patch. And where it becomes more complicated, is that I would like to change the osc's frequency at given time (for example, at 0 send 440, at 1.2 seconds, send 880, ...).
Of course, in order to send the file as quick as possible, the generation shouldn't be real-time like it is when using the GUI. So basically, I want to use pd as a calculating machine (unaware of time), writing directly to a .wav (or whatever file format).
Does someone know if this is possible ? Or has any suggestion ?
Thanks and cheers !