i had a bad smart virus today (i was about to cry) all my hard work in pd, i did not have a backup hard drive or a windows recovery disk because it was so damaged so i was tying to find and delete the virus on my on my linux , i could not find the two that was killing me, and so the virus changed my boot files so i could not login to linux ( more tears ) so i ran a scan from my brothers pc and noting still. I was a bit scared to try this hiren's boot cd (i was thanking the boot was fake software ) but it works for all most any problem you can run in to and it dose lots of task ect!
its really easy to install
1 usb drive $20.00 or way less
(the hiren's option will be near the end of the list)
a Hiren's Boot CD zip
it was all installed
so i just poped it in before i turn on my pc and every tool i can think of was there to recover and restore my pc was there : )
installing linux and any other os is also a good idea for any pc in this type of case
linux is great but unity sucks
classic is the way to go