Thanks mod, the [pack] object did it, i tried [read -resize $1 $2-soundfiler( before without [pack] and that didn't work. [pack] and [unpack],
, [route].... ok, i really have to go into it now, they seem to be absolutely essential. Thnaks for helping me out here, I'm making progress and hopefully others who read this will go ahead as well
Yes, a tutorial would be a good idea, i think hardoff made a very good one for dollar signs in object boxes and that helped me a lot, but the slightly different meanings of dollar signs in objects and messages can be very confusing. It's not too hard to get the idea, but using it within your own abstractions is another thing when you never did this before. Studying patches in quest of specific information is often quite painful and even more confusing, but, on the other hand, challenging. Ok, but using dollar signs in abstractions is such an essential part of Pd, some more examples could really speed up learning Pd, on the web there are not too many illustrations regarding this subject (or maybe i didn't find them) and the manuals that come with Pd are also a little bit shy sometimes....
Bla bla... Have a good time