will I have a dream about building a fast fast! rackmonted DSP computer just for pd only. is it possible to make it run with no delay time ? would I need a pro dsp card or some thing along that or just a relay server or a huge anonymous of ram ect ect
0mms delay time in pd is it a dream?
0ms will be impossible I suspect just due to the way that digital audio works.
Start by assuming that everything is dealing with 64 sample blocks of audio. This is a big assumption as I'm not sure how audio hardware is going to do what it does but it should be fine for some rough calculations.
We'll also just be dealing with one channel here.Audio hardware needs to capture that 64 samples of data from one channel. It won't send that data down the USB/Firewire/PCI bus until it has the full 64 samples which means that there is already delay there, the first sample won't be sent until the last is captured.
(1 second / 44100 samples) * 64 = 0.00145 or about 1 and a half milliseconds
Even with the best audio hardware this limitation is still there.
On top of this you need to add on the time to process the audio, there will probably be some time wasted scheduling everything etc etc. ultimately you're always going to have a couple of milliseconds latency between audio coming into the computer and then going back out.
that said, how much of an issue would 5ms latency be? generally people can't notice anything less than 20ms of latency and I understand that Yamaha engineers aim for about 4 or 5 ms of latency with all their electronic midi controllers/instruments as that's the point that it sounds instantaneous to people.
Someone with more experience here please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong though
I'd just like to say that 20ms is too much IMHO, most musicians can't play percussive sounds with this kind of latency. I definitely hate 512 samples latency, at 256 I can play, and sometimes I feel even better at 128. I've never heard anyone having a problem with 5-6 ms though.
Sorry I said 0 mms but is it can I use 100 or some thing faster I was just hate to use 500 mms and
All so make a pd computer (just turn it on and pd just pops up) and see how fast I can get it to run with out blowing it up -
you know some thing like http://www.symbolicsound.com/cgi-bin/bin/view/Products/Pacarana this but with a lot less money and with less latency I can link to any daw
If pd and max/msp made some thing like this I would buy it
I can see how you pd and max/map has the power to do all that the Pacarana can do. (visual tracker thank you)
Mm it just needs to be planed out .Will I have the idea but who can I talk to to get i done?
I am not playing around if you are a software engineer email me -
Will I was looking around and I watched a long video on a DSP program called Chuck => the program makes me chucking up its so funny ha ha but its is strongly time textbased on the fly dsp and in the video they said you can sync any thing down to one sample rate if you won't to. This software is true to be the fastest but it some times error based on what type or cpu/ram ect you have. It has a really good timing system very cool look it up on YouTube
Will think about it you can move slider in one sample rate and grainuler synthesis down to one sample rate oh how much control you have with a text based on the fly programing