I've included part of a patch that I'm working on.
ok so first I've used bonk ~ and some stuff to record the hit points within a main sample array.
This points are recorded into the array which I've included in the patch below.
I then wanted to take the value of a certain index point (the number would come in through the inlet) out of an array and the value of the next index point (+ 1) do a calculation on these two figures to find out how long it will take to play between these two values. Finally use the values from the array and the calculated value to send a message to a [tabread4~] object to play that hit.
The problem I'm having is that the data coming into the [pack f f f] object is out of sync I think so it rarely plays the hit.
Is there something I can do to fix this.
My plan was to have four instances of something running, within the patch, that each use a seperate one of this. The patch I made works on the first instance but when I copy and pasted it and changed some of the details of the objects to use it in the consecutive instances it doesn't work the same.
I've heard stuff about copy and pasting chaing round the wiring (which object was wired to which first and stuff) is this the problem? if so how do I find out exactly how the wroking version is wired to copy that manually?
Having said this there might be an altogether better way of doing this which I would be happy to hear.