a small example of dynamic patching
Tree with dynamic patching
a small example of dynamic patching
I get " l ... coundn't create" on the dna.pd patch, is there some abstraction missing?
Very nice
So if i understand (the dynamic creation part) of the patch right:
* You start with [dna x1 y1 x2 y2( which draws a line.
* a first [curve] is rendered
* the 's' component of [pack] gets set to 'dna'
* the 2 messages rearrange the string...
$1 / $2 - x/y position in patcher
$3 - name of object [dna]
$4-$7 x1,y1,x2,y2
Is this correct?
..o(blog: http://az.zankapfel.org )( github pd: https://github.com/noreabu/pd )o..
It works if I change the l to list.
Thanks a lot sonsofsol!
exactly az.
the dna could be hardcoded here, but i decided to make it dynamic so to load different abstractions, as you can see in the jpg attatched. here i use a random in dna to decide if a straight line (dna) or a branch (dna1) is born.
glad you like it.
@excalibur: thats strange. why like this? is [ l ] red?
added a more organic one in the first post.
next ill add a generation variable to [dna]. then the bush can get seeds that fly away to create new bushes. how useful!
i cant find the help file for dynamic patching...
i want to connect (draw wire in tcl/tk) 2 abstractions by ther $0 ID dynamicaly.
i could do it by sending
[connect 0 0 3 1 (
to pd pool, but this means object 0 outlet 0 to object 3 inlet 1
but this number is just a counter when objects were created, not their ID.
id like to do something like
[connect 43567 0 43512 0 ( ---where 43567 and 43512 are $0 IDs
anybody knows if thats possible?
you can take a look to iemguts from IOhannes or DYN~ from Thomas grill
IEMGUTS: https://pure-data.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/pure-data/trunk/externals/iem/iemguts/
DYN~: http://puredata.info/Members/thomas/dynext
For a complete review bout dynamic patching in pd (focused on audo) see:
thx husk!
Oops! Looks like something went wrong!