Hi ,
from the file menu (under OSX), you have two options :
-make app from patch
-make app from folder
So I guess it's possible.
From a folder or from a patch : when you'll double click, you'll only have a pd console.
The trick I use is to display the package content. You go into Contents/Extra/Ressources/ there you'll find your patch or your folder. Then you copy what you need in the Contents/Extra/doc/, so everything will be accessible from the help browser.
Well it's not that useful to do as described, plus I've had troubles initialising path for startup, librairies and externals or audio and midi settings. Much more easy to install a pd version (a lighter one such as vanilla) bundled with a folder of patches clearly named.
So of anyone as a good method to chang a bunch of patch in a coherent app, I'm interested too !!