Anybody done anything with rendering video as ASCII chars? Similar to aaxine/aalib?
I've got a bunch of ways to do it in the terminal with video files, but I'd like to do it with a webcam for a show in a few weeks.
Aalib ASCII art
Anybody done anything with rendering video as ASCII chars? Similar to aaxine/aalib?
I've got a bunch of ways to do it in the terminal with video files, but I'd like to do it with a webcam for a show in a few weeks.
I've seen this done with Processing, I think it's one of the bundled examples actually.
Don't know how to approach it in PD, though it would be very cool.
I've seen he processing example: not impressed. That patch seems to create more density where pixels are darker, rather than just using different characters... not 'true' ascii art, if you ask me. There are numerous ways tp do it with mplayer, vlc, even an osx binary. I really want to pipe my webcan through it, though.
If you have pdp theres [pdp_ascii]
if you have GridFlow:
...input grid...
[#out aalib X11]
There's a GridFlow <--> Gem bridge, and a Gem <--> PDP bridge too.
on Linux there's also hasciicam for v4l and dasciicam for v4l2, and you could probably get mplayer or ffmpeg to grab a webcam too
Put this in command line, you may have to tweak it a bit
mplayer -framedrop tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=300:height=400:device=/dev/video0:fps=30:outfmt=i420 -vo aa -monitorpixelaspect 0.5
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