*** EDIT: Post #7, below has the solution attached ***
hi all,
I'm trying to make an abstraction that makes improvements on [grid], namely the ability to record and playback motion.
Perhaps there is a standard way of doing this in programming science. But I've got round it by using arrays that record vales and an array that records [timer] values, for playback.
Would somebody, (for the sake of the pd community) go through the patch, it is neatly written, and try and stump out why, playback doesn't seem to be accurate. it gets worse the faster a motion you record into it. Leaving me to think that maybe it has something to do with the limitation of the control rate, and the frequency of information that is trying to be recorded.
How can I get around this. Let's talk about it... It would certainly be a handy feature to have!
patch attached.