i'd like to know which programs u use and if u use more than one program, how do u combine them with each other. can u feed the pd-stream into another program?? or would u rather stick to pd the whole evening..? then, can u make smooth transitions if u'd switch patches?
Live Visiuals
i used resolume for a while but mixing a bunch of readymade videos into each other just doesn't do it for me. plus, most freeframe effects are not my taste.
back to one big pd/gem-patch.
i've played with arkaos a bunch, and tinkered with resolume and vvvv (which is a great pd-like video app). one thing i've played with is just midi output from pd to control arkaos (and lately i've been using it with ableton live a bunch, but that's not for visuals, just as a slick midi controller middleman).
if you're slick at OSC you can use that instead of midi but so far I haven't played with it all that much. pd/gem (or gridflow but i haven't used it yet) is the way to go, but that requires enough skill to be able to put together complex audio/video patches, and you need to be proficient in puredata to be able to keep it all self-contained.
i only use gem. transitions or blending patches into eachother is a definitly a bit tricky. there is no such thing as a fader object for 2 patches. if you use [alpha 1] and in 2 gemchains you can blend the two things by fading one gemchains color from 111 to 000 while doing the opposite with the other one.
with complex patches with many gemheads this gets tricky.
if you just want to mix 2 textures (like a resolume does), there is pix_mix, pix_mask and many GLSL shader that can do that.
a friend of mine uses a (midi controllable) resolume on a seperate computer as a videomixer and feeding back the videostream via hardware framegrabber to texturize soundreactive gemetry in vvvv. it a intersting way for resolume vj's. pretty low-res though.
i think, if you want resolume functionality, 2 dimentional videoplanes, its best to stick to it.
to build it in pd doesnt bring big benefits and is lots of work. you can make resolume soundreactive just by contolling some midi channels from pd.
if you want to mess with perspective and geometry for vj ing, maybee motion tracking for installations, gem is the way that opens many possibilitys. or vvvv, ok.
unfortunly it requires some vector math skills pretty soon.
its like the difference between photoshop and a 3d programm. -
on windows i'm finding ableton live sending midi out to pd w/gem/gridflow via loopBe works REALLY nicely. i just duplicate all my midi channels in ableton, delete the instruments/fx on the doubles, and just send midi out from those over to pd. then i can just create [notein 1] [notein 2] [notein 3] etc., corresponding to each channel. then it's just a matter of figuring out what you want to do with all those midi notes.
I've been interested in Fluxus, but it's certainly a very young program at the moment. I'm not proficient with it yet, but some of the demos on YouTube are pretty amazing.
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