I am interested in Text-to-speech technology. I want to make a PD-patch for that, but first of all, I would like to know if someone has already make something similar.
Speech Synthesis
@youaresound Meaning this is an alternative or replacement? Currently trying to get it running... It's not as full-featured as ratts appears to have been, but that could change of course.
yes and i don't know but also from moocow.
its the only one i've tried. -
Not on macOS by any chance?
i want to say yes but its been a while, did you try downloading the version of moocow using deken?or the copy included in
from: https://github.com/megrimm/pd-fresh -
How cool is that, it was in Moocow all along (which I didn't have), I never knew. Thx!!
( Wondering, how does anyone find the time to go through all the externals and understand when and where to use them? When is the ultimate PD manual coming, that explains which libraries are must-haves and why....?
@sinewave440hz The "must-haves" were all included in "extended" although there were other "greats" like "extended view".
"Gem" and "PMPD" were exceptional....... (opinion of course).
Loads of examples in the "doc" too....
You are right though....... an easy to scan and search documentation update would be a good idea.
The http://puredata.info/ site is as close as you will get.
David. -
Appreciate the comments, thanks. GEM may be being replaced by OFELIA...? I'll use extended as a good starting point though to identify what I should be using. The time you save knowing just a few key facts...I think some kind of "Advanced Guide" or extra chapters in the existing guides might go a long way. Anyway, I managed to make moocow's flite make some noise. Did see some errors to do with garray and 64bit but I'll have to take a bit of time later to look at that. Elsewhere, I am also learning to build the flite external...
Having trouble doing anything more refined than what's in Farnell's book ("Mammals" chapter). Tried reading this paper, but I'm too bad at math to understand all the equations: https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~prc/SingingSynth.html
Did a search on Speech Synthesis in Pure Data to find this thread. It's been two years but I see the moocow page is still intact. Downloaded ratts v0.08, but it looks like I need to compile some C source files and I don't know how to do that. Is there a guide somewhere for how to do it with Visual Studio (Windows)?
don't really know anything about ratts, but it seems, that there's a precompiled binary for windows though (but i guess this is a 32 bit binary):
don't know, if this helps you...