Something I made this morning using Pd+Gridflow: (10MB) anned%20(demo%202005-05-01)%20(excerpt)%20-%20xvid%20mp3.avi
Scanned (video feedback creating audio)
at first i thought "how boring"
...but then it started morphing and stuff and it was well neat. -
This, my good sir; is damned amazing!
I've been fascinated with the conversion of data from one form to another and the interesting artifacts and aliasing noise (visual and audio) produced...
This is RAW UNADULTERATED aliasing noise and artifacts!
would you mind if I asked for the .pd file? I'd quite like to see how you acomplished this. Bravo sir! -
would you mind if I asked for the .pd file? I'd quite like to see how you acomplished this. Bravo sir!
No problem - I tidied it up a bit and added lots of comments while I still remembered what it did. I'm not sure if the actual logic of the patch is exactly the same as the example video, but it's close enough.
[url= ] on-0-2.pd
You need Gridflow, probably a CVS version too (the last release is very old). -
I've been working on my Scanned patch, the basic core is the same, but I've been adding to it a great deal.
Click the link for my set from last night's [url=" target="_blank">Placard</a> in Brussels, I streamed live from my bedroom, and typically Pd crashed 3 minutes in when it had been running fine for hours before-hand.
<a href=" ] sMaximus_-_LePlacard_Live_2005-07-14&collection=opensource_audio
The patches I performed with are also on that page.